Simply complete the Competition Entry Form below and go into the draw to win. 

Competition Entry Form

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Holiday Competition

Supporting our community
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Terms and Conditions for Little Scholars Top Dogel Holiday Competition

Official InspirED competition rules

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  1. Eligibility – This contest is open to all educators currently employed by Little Scholars School of Early Learning within Queensland, Australia. Employees must be in good standing at the time of entry and selection to be eligible.
  1. Contest period -The contest begins on 26 April 2024 at 9:00 AM AEST and ends on 28 June 2024 at 11:59 PM AEST. Entries submitted before or after this period will not be considered.
  1. How to enter – Participants must submit their innovative idea for advancing early education through the official submission form provided by Little Scholars. The submission should include a detailed description of the idea, the proposed implementation plan, and the anticipated impact on early education practices. Each educator is allowed one entry.
  1. Judging criteria – Submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Feasibility of implementation
  • Potential impact on early education practices
  • Clarity and coherence of presentation
  • Addressing challenges

A panel of judges, comprising Little Scholars leadership and external experts in early childhood education, will review the submissions.

  1. Prize – The winning entry will receive a $1,000 travel voucher or one week of annual leave for individual entries, and for a group entry a equipment & resource voucher or group event to the value of $2,500. The prize is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash. The winner is responsible for any expenses not explicitly included in the prize description.
  1. Winner selection – The winner will be announced in August 2024 at a special event/through official Little Scholars communication channels. The decision of the judges will be final and binding on all matters related to this contest.
  1. Intellectual property – By entering the contest, participants grant Little Scholars a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, publish, and display their submissions in all media for promotional and any other purposes related to the contest or the company.
  1. Privacy – Personal information collected from participants will be used by Little Scholars solely for the purpose of administering the contest and awarding the prize, in accordance with Little Scholars’ privacy policy.
  1. Compliance – This contest is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Void where prohibited by law.
  1. Liability release – By participating, entrants agree to release and hold harmless Little Scholars and its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents from any and all liability for any injuries, loss, or damage of any kind arising from or in connection with this contest or receipt or use of any prize.
  2. Acceptance of rules – Participation in the contest constitutes the entrant’s full and unconditional agreement to these Official Rules and Little Scholars’ decisions, which are final and binding in all matters related to the contest.
Shaping the future of early childhood education at Little Scholars

Honouring our friend

This competition honours the legacy of Terri Clarkson-Milne, our esteemed Redland Bay campus manager, whose remarkable dedication over nearly three decades has left a mark on countless lives within our community. Her enduring passion and commitment continue to inspire us and underscore the importance of this competition.


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Fraser Foundation Launch Event

Calling all innovative educators.

Join our ideas competition for 2024.

Introducing the InspirED competition, a unique initiative designed to empower our educators to drive the future of early childhood education at Little Scholars. Recognising that our educators are at the heart of innovation, InspirED is your platform to propose transformative ideas that will elevate the learning experience for our little ones and the dedicated professionals shaping their futures.

We understand that great ideas come in all sizes, and we encourage submissions that range from the simple to the extraordinary. This is your opportunity to contribute to meaningful change and embody the spirit of sector-leading early education that defines our community.

In the spirit of Mahatma Gandhi who once said, ‘Be the change that you wish to see in the world,’ we invite you to share your vision for a brighter future in early education.


How it works...

  1. Brainstorm: Let your imagination run wild and come up with a groundbreaking idea. Think outside the box and consider innovative strategies, technologies, and learning experiences or it could be something basic that we could do better
  2. Submit your idea: Share your idea with us by filling out an inspirED Entry Form. Be sure to provide a clear description of your concept and its potential impact on children’s learning, how it will impact educators and how it will be adopted into the campus. Also outline the costs associated with your idea 
  3. Evaluation: Our panel will review all submissions based on creativity, feasibility, and potential educational impact
  4. Winners announcement: The winning idea will announced in August and the first place winner/s will take home the first prize.  

Are you an innovative educator with a passion for transforming classrooms? Do you constantly strive to create engaging learning experiences for your students? If so, this contest is for you!

  • Prizes: Great prizes to be won 
  • Inspire others: Your innovative concepts can inspire fellow educators to explore new teaching approaches, revolutionising learning spaces
  • Gain recognition: Your ideas will be showcased and celebrated within the educational community.

Prizes available...

  • First Prize Individual Entry: Either one week of annual leave or $1,000 travel voucher
  • First Prize Group Entry: Choose between equipment & resource voucher or group event to the value of $2,500

Don’t miss this chance to make a difference in the lives of your our incredible little humans and fellow educators. Unleash your creativity and become a catalyst for educational innovation!

We can’t wait to see your ideas come to life and shape the next chapter of excellence in early childhood education at Little Scholars.

Information about the contest rules can be found here. Competition Closes 28 June. 

Our transition to school program

designed around their unique needs and interests.
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Starting formal school is an important milestone that can be an exciting and anxious time. Our transition to school program aims to ensure that children and their families enjoy their start to school and the many school years ahead.

Our campuses provide warm, nurturing and stimulating environments aimed at offering the best possible early learning curriculum, where children can develop to their full potential. Little Scholars prepares your child for a smooth and successful school transition. Little Scholars plans a wide range of experiences to prepare your child for school.

For your child

Throughout the entire period that your child is enrolled at Little Scholars, they are participating in an early learning curriculum that is designed around their unique needs and interests.

Our transition to school program concept emphasises our little scholars’ unique needs and characteristics. We do not lay out a rigid set of skills that may not fit every child, rather, we acknowledge children’s distinctiveness, cultural backgrounds, and varied learning methods.

We firmly believe children who start school with a positive disposition to learning are more likely to enjoy and excel in their educational journey. Our educators tailor their teaching methods to align with each child’s abilities, knowledge, and learning requirements, ensuring an inclusive approach where every child progresses.

Our approach enhances cooperation among feeder schools, families, and communities. It underscores the importance of a collective effort in facilitating your child’s smooth transition into school. This collaborative approach guarantees a consistent and nurturing transition for children.

One of the main focuses of our programs is the development of life skills, those skills which if attained at an early age, will support your child to be a happy, confident member of not only their school community but the wider community as well, assisting them to lead successful and fulfilling lives in their future years. These skills include things such as independence, perseverance, empathy, cooperative interaction skills, fluent and concise communication skills, and the ability to build and maintain relationships with others.

At our campuses, you will find your child participating in specialised activities in their school transition year that will foster the further development of these qualities.

Our campuses network closely with their local school communities to establish rapport that will assist both you and your children into their first year of school. We sit on many school parents and community associations and also are a part of regional educational leadership networking groups. This networking is aimed not only at being able to provide families with up-to-date information with regards to each of our feeder schools, but also to ensure that programs we are providing for our children are designed to best meet the needs and expectations that each of our feeder schools have for the children as they enter kindergarten.

Finally, we know each child grows and learns at their unique speed, and we firmly believe early childhood is a period for discovery, playful engagement, and joyful education, rather than a hurried quest to master certain skills.

Our Stingless Bees

Educate them on the value of bees
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At Little Scholars, we have a unique educational initiative, our Australian Stingless Bee Program, designed to educate our young learners about the crucial role of bees in our ecosystem. This program offers a unique opportunity for children to safely explore and engage with stingless bees, gaining valuable knowledge and appreciation for these vital pollinators.

Our little scholars have the chance to experience close-up interactions with the stingless bees, learning about their social behaviours and the essential work they do. The program is carefully structured to ensure safety while allowing children to observe and interact with the bees in a controlled environment.

Through the Stingless Bee Program, children learn about the importance of bees in pollination, a process where bees transfer pollen between plants of different sexes or even different parts of the same plant. This process is crucial for plant reproduction and, consequently, for the production of many of the foods we eat. In fact, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations reports that a third of the world’s food production depends on bees.

The program extends beyond just learning about bees. It encompasses lessons on life cycles, the conservation of native bees, the impact of human activity on the environment, and the interdependence of living things. This holistic approach helps our little scholars develop a deeper understanding of and respect for our natural world.

When visiting our campuses, we encourage you to look out for our bee stands, where the stingless bees reside in shady, comfortable homes. You might also spot them busily at work in our vegetable gardens, contributing to the growth and health of the plants. It’s a wonderful opportunity to witness these incredible creatures in their natural habitat.

Creating the very best in childcare with the help from our Little Scholars parents.

Families' active role in shaping Little Scholars
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Your voice matters at Little Scholars

At Little Scholars, we deeply value the insights and feedback of our parents. We believe that your involvement is key to enriching our learning community and enhancing the experiences of all our little scholars. Parents are encouraged to participate in an advisory and consultative capacity, playing an active role in shaping the environment and experiences we offer.

Your involvement can take many forms, from contributing to the review of our campus’s philosophy, policies, and procedures, to having a say in learning programs and curriculum, new playground designs, holiday celebrations or menu rollouts. We understand that you have unique perspectives and valuable insights that can greatly benefit our community.

We ensure that these opportunities for involvement are easily accessible and communicated regularly. You will find updates and invitations for participation displayed in the foyer area of your child’s studio, ensuring you are always informed and can easily contribute your thoughts and ideas. Additionally, our Parent Committee offers a more structured way for you to engage with us, providing a platform for discussion, feedback, and collaborative decision-making.

By welcoming parent involvement, we aim to build a stronger, more connected community at Little Scholars. Your engagement helps us to continually improve and adapt, ensuring that we provide the best possible environment for your child’s growth and development.

Little Scholars Take Home meals

Perfect and convenient healthy meal options
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After feedback from our valued families, we have created a really tasty range of dishes that children will love and make dinner time a breeze. These classic dishes are perfect if you are running late or have no time to prepare dinner.

Our Current Menu includes

Each meal costs only $7.50. Your meal will be ready to collect in the kitchen fridge. Simply order via Campus Manager, the Little Scholars app, or campus email.

All Little Scholars menus & meals are approved by Nutrition Australia.

Charity Partnership

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We are committed to helping change children’s lives, which is why we are so proud to support, and partner with Baby Give Back.

The volunteers that make up Baby Give Back are passionate about helping vulnerable babies, children, and families in our community. The charity works tirelessly to ensure that these families receive the best possible support and care when making sure these babies all have an equal chances in life.

At Little Scholars, we believe that babies and children deserve to be nurtured and provided with the utmost care, love, shelter, and support. The early years are so important in a child’s life that we feel privileged to be working with a charity that provides the tools and relief to help vulnerable families in our community.

We are thrilled to also include our Little Scholars families, knowing that we can spread the word and hope for more ongoing support within our community.

Baby Give Back

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This community support aligns with our four pillars – grow, inspire, contribute, and learn. We feel so proud knowing our community will do everything in its power to ensure the Baby Give Back mission is continued.

To make a donation or to learn more about Baby Give Back click below. 

Donate good quality, gently used baby and child items

Little Scholars in the community

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At Little Scholars, we place great importance on connecting with our community as we understand its significant impact on children’s development. Through community involvement, children have the opportunity to refine their communication skills, build confidence, nurture resilience, form friendships, and shape their identity.

Our campuses are dedicated to making a real difference in the lives of our little scholars, their families, and the broader local community. We’ve supported causes such as Epilepsy Queensland, the Luna Capri Foundation, Animal Welfare League Queensland, Nightlight, and more through fundraising efforts.

Additionally, we actively engage our little scholars in community activities, such as our intergenerational grandfriends program at local aged care residences. We also encourage acts of kindness by delivering homemade gifts and treats to local businesses or community members. Our participation in events like ANZAC services further strengthens our community bonds.

By facilitating interactions with diverse community members, businesses, and charities, we ensure that our little scholars develop meaningful connections beyond their immediate family circle. These connections play a crucial role in shaping their sense of belonging, resilience, and overall well-being. Furthermore, fostering secure relationships with adults in the community provides a supportive environment for healthy brain development and emotional growth.

Giving you back more family time

Importance of spending quality with your loved ones
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At Little Scholars, we deeply value the importance of quality time with family. Understanding the busy lives of our families, we’ve designed our Family Time program to help you create lasting memories and share enriching experiences without the stress of everyday tasks. This program is our way of giving back, ensuring that you can cherish more moments with your loved ones.

Convenience and care

Recognising the challenges of balancing work, life, and the myriad of appointments that come with raising children, our Family Time program is crafted to alleviate these pressures. We offer a range of services designed to simplify your life and maximise your family time. This includes convenient on-site services such as haircuts, and specialist appointments with optometrists, podiatrists, speech pathologists, dentists, and child health nurses.

Special touches for the whole family

In addition to these services, we also offer helpful extras like take-home meals for both children and parents, and quarterly date nights, allowing you to enjoy quality time without the hassle of planning. Our aim is to support our families in every possible way, making your time outside of work and school truly enjoyable and stress-free.
The Family Time program at Little Scholars is our commitment to supporting and enhancing the well-being of our families. We understand that life’s demands can be overwhelming, and our goal is to provide you with more opportunities to enjoy precious, quality moments together.

Abecedarian Approach

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At Little Scholars, we are proud to incorporate the innovative 3a Abecedarian Approach Australia into our reading programs. This approach is more than just reading; it engages children in active, conversational reading, fostering early literacy and encouraging language development in a dynamic and enjoyable way.

The 3a Approach is unique in its emphasis on back-and-forth conversation between the adult and the child. This interactive method is designed to engage little minds at three progressive levels:

Each level is crafted to enhance understanding and connection with the reading material. For instance, instead of just following the words in a book, we make it a lively conversation.

We ask questions like, “Can you see an owl?”, “Can you say ‘owl’?” or “Can you show me an owl?”

This approach not only enhances vocabulary but also develops critical thinking and comprehension skills.

Family involvement

A cornerstone of the Abecedarian approach is its focus on family involvement. We believe that families play an integral role as a child’s first educator. Our program is designed to support and empower families, helping them grow in confidence as they guide their children’s early learning journey.

The 3a Abecedarian Approach Australia is grounded in the principles of a pioneering American study that spans over 30 years. This landmark research has played a crucial role in shaping our understanding of early childhood education and development.

The original Abecedarian Study began in the 1970s and was one of the first scientifically controlled studies to provide evidence of the long-term benefits of early childhood education. The study focused on children from low-income families and demonstrated that intensive early intervention, starting in infancy and continuing through preschool, had significant, lasting impacts on cognitive and academic development. Key findings included improved IQ scores, enhanced reading and math skills, and higher levels of educational attainment.

This research also highlighted the importance of language-rich interactions between educators and children. The study’s approach emphasised conversational reading, interactive teaching, and the development of critical thinking skills from a very young age.

At Little Scholars, we have embraced the insights from this extensive research to implement the 3a Abecedarian Approach. By integrating these time-tested strategies into our curriculum, we provide our little scholars with a strong foundation for lifelong learning. Our approach not only supports cognitive and academic skills but also nurtures social and emotional development, ensuring a well-rounded educational experience.

To extend this reading experience beyond our campuses, we offer a range of take-home Abecedarian reading resources. These materials are available for families to borrow, ensuring the continuation of interactive learning at home. For more information or to borrow these resources, please feel free to speak with your Campus Manager or educator.

At Little Scholars, we are committed to providing a rich, engaging, and supportive learning environment. The 3a Abecedarian Approach is just one of the many ways we ensure our little scholars are on the path to becoming confident, curious, and capable learners.

Come and see the Little Scholars difference

Let us hold your hand and help looking for a child care centre. Leave your details with us and we’ll be in contact to arrange a time for a ‘Campus Tour’ and we will answer any questions you might have!

Come and see the Little Scholars difference

Let us hold your hand and help looking for a child care centre. Leave your details with us and we’ll be in contact to arrange a time for a ‘Campus Tour’ and we will answer any questions you might have!