If you’re the parent or guardian of a child under five, you’ve probably observed some lies at some point during their young life.

That’s normal and dare we say, developmentally appropriate. We didn’t say it’s OK, but it’s common! Your child isn’t headed for a life of crime and incarceration, so you can now let out a sigh of relief. And there are certainly things you can do to help lead your child to a more honest way of communicating!

Why children tell lies

But from a developmental perspective, a blog shared by Early Childhood Australia confirms that lying in young children is rarely cause for concern.

From the ECA blog: “lying is often one of the first signs a young child has developed a “theory of mind”, which is the awareness others may have different desires, feelings, and beliefs to oneself. When a child misleadingly claims “Daddy said I could have an ice cream”, they’re using this awareness of others’ minds to plant false knowledge.”

Children can start lying by the time they start stringing sentences together, between the ages of two and four. The tales they tell may get more elaborate from the age of roughly four and up, as they start to understand what may be more likely to be believed, as their understanding of how others might think and interpret what they say gets more sophisticated.

But the reason behind the lies could also be far less sinister than you think it might be.

Perhaps, your child is just looking to be seen. It might be that they’re feeling invisible to you, and to really get your attention, to get you to make a big deal out of something in their lives, they need to make their story bigger. It can be easier for adults to think their problems, concerns and issues are so much bigger and more important than a child’s, but important to whom? 

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How can parents handle the situation when recognising a lie from their children?

Interestingly, research has found that while almost all children lie at some point, they also have a pretty clear understanding young that lying is wrong. Kay Bussey from Macquarie University, found that children as young as four years of age rated ‘lies about misdeeds as being very bad and that the liar would feel guilty for telling such a lie. Furthermore, they rated this type of lie more negatively than other types of lies and even misdeeds themselves.’

So, children not yet school-aged do understand right from wrong, yet they do it anyway.

How might a parent react to this that would be an effective way to tamp down the untrue stories children sometimes tell?

One way to approach children lying, according to Jess Vanderwier, an American psychotherapist, is to come at it with curiosity and compassion.

Vanderwier’s strategies include:

  • Staying calm – Your initial reaction sets the tone for the entire interaction. Take a deep breath and remember this is a learning opportunity, not a crisis. By remaining calm, you create a safe space for your child to tell the truth.
  • Getting curious – Instead of accusing or jumping to conclusions, ask questions to understand the situation better. In our case, I asked, “Help me understand… ” This approach invites your child to explain their perspective without feeling attacked
  • Communicating at their level – When having this conversation, physically get down to your child’s eye level. This simple act shows that you’re present, engaged, and ready to listen, which can make your child feel more comfortable and less intimidated
  • Focusing on truth-telling – Instead of focusing on lying behaviour, focus on truth-telling. Instead of: “You shouldn’t have lied about not eating breakfast.” You can say, “In our family, we always tell the truth, even when we think it means we won’t get what we want. It helps us trust each other and solve problems together.”
  • Focusing on connection – Instead of blaming or shaming a child for lying, try connecting with their feelings. “You told me you haven’t eaten breakfast yet because you really want a Timbit. That makes sense. I’m not mad.”
  • Using natural consequences: Rather than punishing your child for lying, allow them to experience the natural consequences of their actions. For instance, if they lie about making a mess, they have to help you clean it up.

Finally she says when your child tells the truth, especially in difficult situations, praise them for their courage and honesty. Noticing their honesty can encourage more truth-telling in the future.

If you suspect more serious lies might mean signs of harm

Sometimes children lie or keep secrets to hide serious issues, such as experiencing harm or witnessing harm to others. For instance, children who have been abused by adults or bullied by peers might lie because they fear consequences or feel unsafe speaking up.

If you suspect your child is lying to protect someone or themselves:

  • Reassure them that they will be safe and supported if they tell the truth
  • That you love them no matter what they tell you
  • Let them know you’re committed to helping them and making the situation better.

Creating a safe environment is key to encouraging honesty and addressing any underlying issues. This is something that should be done all the time, not just when honesty is questioned.

Please know children’s safety is paramount to us. If we at Little Scholars suspect a child is being harmed, we have a duty of care to and will report it. 

Supporting boys in understanding emotions to grow into kind, resilient individuals

In recent years, news headlines have frequently highlighted the challenges surrounding men’s mental health, and the troubling rates of violence and suicide among men. While these stories are not representative of men overall, these issues don’t emerge overnight. They’re often rooted in childhood, shaped by how boys are taught to understand emotions, handle challenges, and connect with others. While these statistics are concerning, they also present an opportunity. If we start now, we can nurture a generation of boys who grow into kind, empathetic, and resilient men. If we encourage sensitivity, respect, and emotional awareness from an early age, we can help our little boys become the well-rounded, compassionate adults our world needs.

Raising both sexes present different challenges for parents, but really it’s a very individual approach to each child to ensure they’re learning to become kind, respectful human beings.

Traditionally, little boys have been taught to “man up” and avoid showing “weakness” by expressing emotions. This can be deeply isolating, leading to feelings of loneliness or frustration, and in some cases, acting out through belittling or bullying those who are more open with their emotions. In fact, a recent international study found that Australian teenagers experience bullying at the second highest rate among developed countries. The good news is that bullying numbers are showing a downward trend, suggesting that shifts in attitudes are making a difference.

By encouraging young boys to embrace and express their feelings, as well as having awareness of them in others, we can cultivate environments that support kindness and empathy, helping them build respectful relationships and healthy ways to cope with emotions. This approach is essential for raising well-rounded, compassionate individuals who understand that true strength comes from being open, understanding, and kind to themselves and others.

At Little Scholars, we believe strength comes from vulnerability, showing and sharing the range of human emotion, and understanding and displaying empathy rather than ignorance.

Our goal is to provide a secure and trusting environment in which all children feel a sense of belonging. We support children to form positive relationships with peers, educators and their environments, while recognising and maybe improving their existing relationships with their family and community.

Part of building and maintaining these relationships means teaching children to recognise the range of emotions within themselves and in others. This in turn builds empathy, understanding and respect for others. We do this in a variety of age-appropriate ways to support children’s emotional development. From understanding what the various feelings are, understanding how they feel, how to see these in others, as well as mindfulness practices to deal with harder feelings when they arise.

Dean with his little boy on #LoveUBro Day (via Instagram)
What can parents do in raising boys to be caring and compassionate?

To get an understanding of some of the potential reasons for what’s happening in males, what we can do now, we spoke to Dean Cooper, the program manager for White Ribbon Australia, a not-for-profit global social movement working to stop men’s violence against women.  The organisation’s mission is to strive for a society where all women and children are safe. November is White Ribbon Month in Australia, we encourage you to visit the White Ribbon Australia website and contribute if you can.

Dean also happens to be the proud dad of two little boys, one of whom is pictured with Dean in the top photo and attends Little Scholars. We’re thrilled to have Dean’s expertise on this important topic.

Could you please tell us about your role at White Ribbon Australia?

I design programs for high schools and workplaces on domestic violence (DV), masculinity, respectful relationships, consent, etc. Secondary to my role at White Ribbon Australia, I am an ambassador for the innerBoy app which is an app assisting men to heal from trauma and get support for any mental health challenges they are facing.

How did you get involved in this important work?

Well, originally I wanted to play Rugby Union professionally, however that didn’t work out, so I studied criminology and undertook a career in corrections, conducting assessments on people who committed offences of all kinds. I began to focus solely on working with men and fathers who used violence, and about seven years ago I started facilitating men’s behavioural change programs for men being released from prison for DV offences. Quite alarmingly, what I learnt was a lot of behaviour I engaged in within sporting environments, such as sexist jokes, violent chants, and street harassment on nights out, actually made their way into these programs, and condoned or supported a lot of problematic beliefs these men who were using violence had. It was my full circle journey to realising that not all disrespect leads to violence, but all violence starts with disrespect. I’ve decided to stick with this work and found a passion for it as I think it’s important that those who are being disrespectful or choosing to use violence receive counter narratives from culture to say these behaviours aren’t okay.

What has made you so passionate about ensuring we raise kind, respectful boys?

I am passionate about the role men play in shaping children, especially boys, and have a desire to see every father role-modelling safe and respectful behaviour. I truly believe safe, engaged, and present fathers can positively impact our future generations and are the solution for the social issues we see today. Unfortunately, what I’ve learned in this work is that a lot of men either didn’t have positive role models growing up, or look around at music, TV, movies, pornography, social media, etc. and have no mainstream examples of what positive, safe, and effective fathering looks like. It’s my passion to create spaces for men to learn what fathering means and how we role model respect, equality, and safety.

The most important question: what could parents, especially of little boys, do now to ensure they’re raising kind, respectful human beings?

There isn’t much at such a young age that we can ‘teach’ in that formal sense. Children will learn from observing so it’s important we role model more than try and teach. I’ll just provide my own strategies.

One thing I am trying to personally do is role model accountability. If my son says something like ‘that makes me sad’ or ‘I don’t like it’ if I am playing, or implementing a boundary I try to talk to him about why it upsets him and validate his feelings. I also role model saying ‘sorry’. Likewise, with my wife I make a purposeful attempt to apologise for things and role model what it’s like to get it wrong and change my mind. It’s crucial to show we don’t always have the answers, we are going to make mistakes, but we can always acknowledge our impact and make amends. 

I try to hold myself proactively accountable as well. As adults, we know when we haven’t done our best work. If we are distracted on our phone when our child tries to engage us, or if we snap at them for not doing something we asked, or if they are talking and we interrupt with something else. We can proactively hold ourselves accountable, I try to say ‘son, when you were talking then I realise I wasn’t fully listening and I am sorry, what you have to say is important and I recognise by not listening I didn’t show that.’ 

“I also believe we play a huge role in teaching our boys to regulate their emotions. We seem to be better at comforting girls or more accepting of their emotions. In terms of our boys, we need to shift from correction to connection.”

Another, ‘I’m sorry I yelled before, it’s my responsibility to stay calm and I didn’t do that, it wasn’t my intention to make you upset but I realise it did, I am sorry for that and next time I am going to do better.’ If I see my son be unkind to someone in the playground or at kindy drop off, I try use those moments to ask him what he thinks the impacts were and how we can make amends. For example, ‘I saw when you took those two toys and didn’t give one to Johnny. Look at Johnny now, does he look happy or sad? Johnny looks sad and I think it’s because he doesn’t have a toy, can you help me find a way for Johnny to have a toy too?’ and layer that in with an apology for not sharing. Taking those steps to encourage my son to see the impact they have on others, be comfortable with reflecting on what they’ve done, and how to repair. That’s how we start to shape kind, reflective, and safe boys.

At least once a week, I try:

 1. Admit a mistake I made

2. Share what I learnt about that mistake

 3. Ask for help. 

This is how we mark ourselves as a psychologically safe person. If we can role model getting it wrong, learning from that, and being willing to accept help, we role model that we are a safe person to hold accountable, we’ll treat their mistakes with empathy and understanding, and it’s okay to make mistakes. If we can mark ourselves as safe people by role modeling this, then we normalise recognising the impacts we have on others and repairing those. I just never want my children to hide something from me because they felt like they couldn’t tell me. I don’t want them to say ‘I made a mistake don’t tell Dad’ and instead say ‘I made a mistake I have to tell Dad.’ That’s the goal.

I also believe we play a huge role in teaching our boys to regulate their emotions. We seem to be better at comforting girls or more accepting of their emotions. In terms of our boys, we need to shift from correction to connection. Again, I think we need to role model this and talk about when we are frustrated, sad, disappointed, happy etc. I speak with a lot of dads who openly state at times they’ve been sad or angry, their children will ask ‘Daddy, are you okay?’ and they respond ‘Yeah, I am fine’ when they really aren’t. Children are these perfect little emotional barometers and what we actually do in that moment is not protect them from any negative feelings, but lie to them and tell them their sense of emotions was wrong. Instead, I try and role model ‘Daddy is feeling sad right now, thanks for noticing and asking if I am okay. When I feel sad I like to find an activity that makes me happy or find Mummy and give her a big cuddle.’ It’s important we teach boys to recognise their emotions, deal with them, and implement strategies to cope.

Physical affection is so important. As a guy growing up I always heard about this ‘tough love’ approach to parenting and the whole ‘just wait till your Dad gets home’ disciplinary role we were supposed to play. In my career, I’ve worked with a lot of men who have poor emotional regulation or traumatic backgrounds and they all report a lack of being told they are good enough and to be embraced. We do some exercises in prison groups where the men outline what they wish they had more of as children, all of it comes back to being told they were of value just as they were, and wishing they were shown love more.

Thank you, Dean, we’re so appreciative to have your insight!

Building relationships at Little Scholars

At Little Scholars, we feel strongly it takes a village to raise a child, and we’re very proud to be a part of your child’s community as she or he grows and learns about the world. All of our little scholars learn about emotions in a number of age and developmentally-appropriate ways. It’s a very important facet of our early educational curriculum, supported by the Early Years Learning Framework.

We aim to provide a safe and secure space in which they grow and thrive. To ensure we’re doing this, we’re constantly working to improve our knowledge and practices. Our educators regularly take on professional development that helps them understand and guide children through not only their letters and numbers, but their emotional and social growth, on topics like developing mindfulness practices in their studios, developing frustration tolerance even more specific learnings such as trauma-informed practice. 

Of course, ensuring children’s safety is paramount, and our educators are also regularly trained and updated on Child Protection Policy and procedures.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child, we have an open door policy and we invite you to talk to your educator, educational leader or campus manager any time. 

Little Scholars offers you and your child the very best facilities, resources and early educational, play-based programs available, which are underpinned by the early years learning framework. Our belief is that through quality education and care for children we can also encourage, assist and support the entire family.

Our dedicated team of educators are committed to the individual needs and interests of children and their families, and thus we encourage and welcome family input and involvement.

We aim to be like an extension of your family and are very relationship-driven. We support nurturing relationships between our educators and your child, the relationships your child has with the other children who attend, and we value our relationship with you as the parent and other family members. So book a tour today to get started!

As Little Scholars celebrates its milestone decade of educating and caring for South East Queensland children we met up with Jae Fraser, the founder of Little Scholars, to hear his memories and reflection of the past 10 years operating Little Scholars School of Early Learning!  For a bit of background on Jae, he’s spent more than half his life educating young children. 

After years working in the early learning and care sector, starting as a trainee and working his way up to early childhood teacher and campus manager, Jae eventually became general manager of Australia’s largest ASX-listed childcare company. But he felt a constant pull to do things differently. This drive led him to purchase his first Little Scholars campus, a run-down campus in Yatala. Ten years later, Little Scholars now educates more than 7,000 children across 16 campuses and employs more than 600 staff.

From the beginning, he wanted to offer what no one else did. The result for families who are enrolled with the Little Scholars School of Early Learning are innovative offerings such as chef-prepared take home meals for busy parents who don’t have time to cook, as well as our Family Time program that offers specialist appointments as well as dental and haircuts so families can use their free time together. Little Scholars was one of the first to introduce Bush and Beach Kinder in Queensland, all of this as well as first-class education and care in beautiful spaces to play and learn.


Jae, why did you leave a successful general manager career to start your own early learning service?

As a passionate teacher, I never thought I would find myself in a corporate role as a general manager of a company with more than 500 centres and 6,500 staff, but I loved every moment of it, especially the people I had the pleasure of working alongside. I’d always felt a deep conviction about early learning. It’s absolutely more than a career, it’s my calling. I was incredibly proud of the work we did in my previous role, but I kept dreaming of something that could be even more child-centered, community-focused, and creatively enriching. 

I wanted to create something different, something that families and educators hadn’t seen before, a space where children could explore, get messy, learn about kindness, and discover the world on their own terms, environments that . I had a vision to create an early learning centre unlike anything in the market—an elevated, high-quality experience where every environment is thoughtfully designed to inspire wonder, nurture growth, and offer a truly exceptional foundation for young learners.

Little Scholars was born from that vision. I didn’t leave because anything was missing per se, but rather because I knew there was something special, we could create that could go beyond the traditional expectations in early childhood education. Little Scholars was my chance to bring that vision to life fully.

Can you describe the feelings you had between quitting your job and opening Little Scholars? And was it stressful balancing both roles initially?

Opening the Yatala campus was exhilarating but incredibly intense (and so so stressful). In those first few months, I was wrapping up my role as general manager, while putting everything I had into Little Scholars at Yatala. It was chaotic, but the kind of chaos where every long day, every sleepless night, felt like it had real purpose. There were times when I felt that I had taken on too much and was I ever going to get there?

When I eventually stepped away from my GM role to focus solely on Little Scholars, it was already showing the spark of what it could become. People were resonating with what we were building, a place where families felt at home and children felt empowered, and that was everything I’d hoped for.


What are some memories of support you received in those early days ?

We started with nothing but a dream, pouring all our savings into opening that first campus; with limited funds, we did everything ourselves – cooking, cleaning, gardening, renovating, and managing every detail to bring our vision to life while building a new business from the ground up. Honestly, I’ll never forget those early days. Family, friends, our new team, and even complete strangers chipped in, offering hands-on support, encouragement, and assurance. Andrew was there by my side constantly, and the team that joined early on was absolutely invaluable – they believed in Little Scholars right from the start. Local families and businesses welcomed us, and that sense of community support really set the tone for everything we’ve done since.

I also remember families telling us that they drove past four other services, to come to Little Scholars – they loved it that much and so grateful for what we were creating for their children. Little Scholars became a destination early learning facility, a place families were willing to travel to because of our never-ending commitment to education and our philosophy of learning through play, where every experience is designed to ignite curiosity, joy, and a lifelong love of learning.

What was the scariest part of that time?

The scariest part was wondering if this dream was something I could actually bring to life. If I could truly build a place where children would feel that they belonged and where parents felt absolute trust. Another was the relentless hours, working 15-16 hours a day, seven days a week, with barely enough funds to keep us going. I was constantly worried about whether we’d ever make it. We were now employers, responsible for our team’s livelihoods, knowing they depended on us to help pay their rent and mortgages. On top of that, there was the pressure of delivering on every promise I’d made, ensuring that our vision didn’t just stay a dream, but that the outcomes we set out to achieve would truly come to life.

There were days I’d wake up worrying about all the unknowns: ‘Will families see the value in what we’re doing? Will children thrive here the way I envision?’ But every time I walked into the Yatala campus and saw the smiles on those little faces, it reaffirmed that we were on the right path.

Do you remember when you started to feel, ‘oh my goodness, this might just work’?

I remember when the moment I thought, ‘Oh my goodness, this might just work,’ so vividly. I mean, each Monday morning, after a weekend spent making improvements, we’d see the amazement on the children’s faces, the excitement in the educators’ eyes, and the families’ appreciation for what we were building. But the real turning point was our Open Day. Over 500 people came through, and the response was overwhelming! Families were captivated by the environment and everything we had created.

One of my friends, who had just come to visit, ended up taking enrolment fees on the EFTPOS machine because people were lining up, eager to be a part of it. Seeing that level of enthusiasm and belief in what we were doing was when I realised this dream was resonating with others in a big way.

I watched children running into the campus with huge grins, so excited to start their day, and I thought, ‘we’re onto something.’ Families would tell me how their children talked about their teachers, their new friends, and the garden we’d planted together. That’s when I knew this wasn’t just a service, it was really becoming a meaningful part of people’s lives. And even 10 years later, that feeling never gets old.

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Are there early-days memories you haven’t shared before?

Oh, there are so many memories from those early days! I remember the late nights spent painting walls and bike tracks, filling sandpits, washing buses, planting gardens and laying turf until my hands were blistered.  It wasn’t glamorous work, but it was honest and heartfelt, and every effort meant we were creating a place that was genuinely ours to share.

One memory that’s always close to my heart is my best friend Mel bringing her little boy into the campus on weekend to help while we were still setting up. He’d toddle around, exploring every corner as if he were inspecting our progress, and his joy and curiosity reminded me of exactly why we were doing this. Countless weekends were spent working alongside friends and family, all of us taking a quick break in the playground, enjoying a Yatala Pie before moving on to the next task.

Those moments of shared effort and laughter laid the foundation for everything Little Scholars stands for today.

Another of my biggest dreams in starting Little Scholars was to make it possible for educators to become teachers without facing the same struggles I did coming from humble beginnings. I always hoped that one day I’d be in a position to support others on that journey. I’ll never forget the day an educator at Yatala mentioned they wanted to study to become a teacher but couldn’t afford it. In that moment, I was able to look them in the eye and say, ‘I’ll fund your study and support you every step of the way to help you become a teacher.’ That educator is still with us today, teaching at our Yatala campus, and their journey is a constant reminder of what Little Scholars is truly about.

Where do you see Little Scholars in the next 10 years?

Looking back, it’s incredible to think that five campuses once felt like a dream, and now, with over 17, we’re just getting started. In the next 10 years, I see Little Scholars as a leading light in early childhood education, not through size or numbers, but through our commitment to quality and impact. We’re dedicated to refining what we do best, focusing on the growth and development of every child, and ensuring our teams have the support and professional opportunities to grow their careers and reach their potential. We’ll also continue to participate in meaningful research and projects to improve the educational journey and outcomes for children, even beyond Little Scholars. Our goal is to deepen our connections with families and communities, staying true to our heart-driven purpose to create spaces where each child feels seen, heard, and genuinely valued.

It’s about holding onto what makes Little Scholars special and continually raising the bar in early learning.

Ipswich! You may have heard Little Scholars School of Early Learning is coming to you! We’re thrilled our newest campus is coming to Ipswich in early 2025. As we prepare to open our doors, we want to celebrate by sharing some of our favourite family-friendly activities in Ipswich, because we’re not just about early learning, we adore our families and our Ipswich community!

We think Ipswich has really stepped up its game when it comes to offering some great entertaining offerings for the young, and the young at heart. 

Images and information courtesy of the organisations mentioned below, as well as Brisbane Kids, Ipswich FirstFamilies Magazine and Must-Do Brisbane.

Ipswich Children's Library

Did you know Ipswich has Australia’s only public library dedicated to children?  It features a specially designed catalogue with over 35,000 books just for children, and unique multi-reality interactive experiences.

The Ipswich Children’s Library is designed to be an interactive and engaging space for children. It features various zones with elements that encourage exploration and active participation. Highlights include a series of colourful tubes where children can send fabric pieces flying through the air, large interactive screens, and colouring tables where children can scan and watch their decorated fish swim on a screen. The library also offers cosy reading nooks, a gaming touch screen with STEAM-based puzzles, and a unique Reading Tree with a cushioned tunnel for reading. The space is filled with natural light, thanks to its floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the Nicholas Street Precinct and landscaped gardens. 

The library is open seven days a week and hosts regular, child-focused programs and events and special tech adventures just for little ones!

Queensland Pioneer Steam Museum

Hop aboard the Queensland Pioneer Steam Railway in Ipswich for a fun-filled family adventure. Ride in beautifully restored vintage carriages and explore the rich mining history of the area. As the train chugs along, you’ll pass by old mine ruins and vintage equipment, giving you a glimpse into Ipswich’s past. It’s a perfect outing for families to enjoy a unique and educational experience together.

RAAF Base Amberley Heritage Centre

Attention all young aviation enthusiasts! Visit the RAAF Amberley Aviation Heritage Centre near Ipswich to see some amazing aircraft up close. Walk around and marvel at the F-111 with its famous “dump and burn” feature. Check out the WWII Boston Bomber, Vietnam-era Canberra bomber, Caribou airlifter, Sioux and Iroquois helicopters, and WWII Jeeps. You’ll also see cool Sabre and Mirage fighter jets. Learn about the RAAF’s important role in history with interactive exhibits and displays. It’s a fun and educational trip for the whole family!

Check the website for times to visit.

Ipswich Art Gallery

Ipswich Art Gallery takes play seriously! Its goal is to create dynamic pathways for lifelong relationships with art.

It’s a visual arts and social history museum presenting a dynamic program of exhibitions and heritage displays with complementary workshops, performances and an extensive program for children and families. We also adore that the gallery guides itself by philosophical principles for its children’s gallery, highlighting that learning begins with creative play, and that children are important members of our community who should be encouraged to express and develop their ideas and views.

Ipswich Nature Centre

Located in Queens Park, the Ipswich Nature Centre offers a delightful experience for families and nature enthusiasts. This free-entry zoo showcases native Australian wildlife, including kangaroos, emus, wombats, and bilbies. Wander through lush gardens, see barnyard animals, and enjoy the aviary filled with colourful birds. The centre provides an educational and fun outing, promoting conservation and the beauty of local wildlife.

For more information, visit Ipswich Nature Centre.

Cooneana Heritage Centre

Discover the rich history of Ipswich at the Cooneana Heritage Centre, home to the Ipswich Historical Society. Explore historical photographs, artifacts, traditional crafts, and coal mining displays that highlight the region’s diverse past. Visit Cooneana Homestead to see early Ipswich life, and Jim Donald House, a well-preserved miner’s cottage from the 1890s. Experience an old-fashioned classroom in the schoolroom and watch blacksmiths at work in the blacksmith shop. Perfect for history enthusiasts and families alike.

Queensland Museum Rail Workshops

Take an eye-opening journey through Queensland’s history at the heritage-listed Ipswich Railway Workshops. The award-winning Queensland Museum Rail Workshops is a must-visit for anyone in Ipswich. Once employing over 3,000 railway workers and making it Queensland’s largest employer at the time, this historic site now blends the charm of the past with modern technological advances.

Explore the old boilershop, home to beautifully restored locomotives and carriages, and marvel at Queensland’s largest model railway, showcasing detailed scenes of the state. Perfect for visitors of all ages, this museum brings history to life.

Top Ipswich Playgrounds

Faye Carr Park, Ripley

Check out Faye Carr Park in Ripley, a rocket ship-themed playground designed for the whole community.

The standout feature is the impressive trio of red and green pods, which have become a landmark of the Ecco Ripley development since its opening in 2018. These custom-designed pods by Playscape Creations are a first for Australia, offering sensory delights like cogs, steering equipment, and rainbow spinning wheels, all connected by a bridge. The exterior is just as engaging with ladders, slides, staircases, and fireman poles for endless fun.

For younger children, there’s a separate toddler playground complete with a mini slide, ladder, and puzzles. The area also includes a five-person swing circle, a rotating net climber, a see-saw, and a double-track flying fox for inclusive play.

Sports enthusiasts will enjoy the middle section of the park with multipurpose fields for soccer, rugby, and basketball, as well as an outdoor workout zone. Picnic shelters and BBQs make it perfect for a family outing.

 Over 20 developmental activities between the main and toddler playgrounds promote educational play in a fun outdoor setting. The park also emphasises social play with shared swing circles, rotating net climbers, and multi-track flying foxes, encouraging greater participation.

The parklands are wheelchair and pram friendly, with accessible pathways connecting all areas. The seated playground equipment, including an adaptive swing, see-saw, and net climber, are designed for inclusivity.

Faye Carr Park Features:

  • Accessible toilets
  • Unfenced
  • Baby change table facilities
  • Playground 50% covered by shade sails
  • Rubber, bark chip, and sand base
  • Adaptive swing with harness
  • Learn-to-ride track
  • Basketball court
  • Fitness equipment
  • Open kick-around area
  • Soccer/rugby field
  • BBQs
  • Picnic shelters
  • On-street parking

Orion Mega Playground, Springfield

 A multi-million dollar playground that is accessible and engaging for all ages is the incredible result of a consultation between locals and Orion Shopping Centre.

The main attraction is a vibrant activity centre with a tower reaching 11 metres high, accessible via internal ladders or a 16-metre Sky Walk bridge offering a birds-eye view of the playground below. Two enormous tunnel slides flank the tower, perfect for young thrill-seekers. Note that the play area is not fenced from the nearby car park, so close adult supervision is necessary.

For children who prefer to stay grounded, the playground features in-built trampolines, mountaineering ropes, and a large climbing net tunnel. A wheelchair-friendly merry-go-round promotes inclusive play.

The toddler area includes slides, stairs, a rock climbing wall, a fire pole, a colourful see-saw, and a cognitive play hut with educational activities. Swings are available for both independent children and those needing assistance. Most of the playground is covered by shade sails or roofing for sun protection.

Lobley Park, Churchill

Lobley Park is a charming, aviation-themed park that pays tribute to Ipswich’s Air Force heritage. Children will love playing in the aeroplane structure, exploring the air traffic control tower, and enjoying the parachute swings. The park also offers ample space for running around, traditional playground equipment like swings and slides, and a story time area. Perfect for picnics or parties, Lobley Park features barbecues and tables. It’s a fantastic spot for family fun, with memorable attractions that children will adore!

Redbank Plains Recreation Reserve Playground, Redbank Plains

Located just 15 minutes from Ipswich city, the recently upgraded Redbank Plains Recreation Reserve has become a popular community hub for gathering, playing, socialising, and relaxing.

The central playground features a 9-metre tall adventure tower made of cargo netting, platforms, and ladders, offering a vertical thrill for older children. Climbers can choose between a speedy tunnel slide and a twisty tube slide. The roped exterior allows for easy parental supervision.

The reserve also boasts a 20-metre high ropes course, challenging balance, strength, and coordination, with opportunities for adults to assist younger climbers. Additional features include a giant rotating bird’s nest swing, a multi-bay swing set, and sensory spinners.

A dedicated toddler playground caters to ages one to five with accessible platforms, ground-level activities, gentle slides, and imaginative play areas. Essentials such as swings, see-saws, bouncers, and an inclusive carousel are built on a soft base with ample shade sails. Nearby seating is available for supervision and picnics.

The reserve also includes a newly renovated skate park, suitable for skaters of all levels, adjacent to a large grassy field ideal for soccer, cricket, or kite flying.

Additional features:

  • BBQs
  • Car Parking
  • Dog Off Leash Area
  • Drinking Water
  • Gazebos/Rotunda/Shelters
  • Picnic Facilities/Seats/Benches
  • Power
  • Public Toilets

Splash n' Play Adventure Park, Ripley

The rapidly expanding Ripley Valley is home to several state-of-the-art playgrounds, and the Splash ‘n’ Play Adventure Park is a standout. Designed for all age groups, the park features towering sky cabins at 7.5 metres high, connected by enclosed rope bridges for safety. Children can exit the playground via a straight tubular slide, a twisted mega slide, or by climbing down netted ladders. This section is ideal for children over 5, though confident younger climbers can also enjoy it.

The park also includes a flying fox, a small swing set, and toddler-friendly options in the neighbouring play area.

Directly across from the playground is a shaded, multi-age Splash ’n’ Play area with water fountains, movable sprayers, button-controlled jets, and waterfall arches. This area is divided into two sections, allowing smaller children to play safely away from the larger splash zone. The non-slip rubber base and ample seating enhance safety and supervision.

For families, the Forty West Café at the top of the adventure park serves delicious coffee and food daily. A takeaway coffee is ideal, as a tall garden partially blocks the view between the café seating and the playground below.

  • Accessible toilets
  • Not fenced but set back from the road
  • Largely shaded playground and water play area
  • Zero-depth Splash ‘n’ Play area
  • Mixture of bark, artificial turf, and rubber base
  • Family-friendly café
  • Showers
  • Picnic shelters
  • BBQs
  • Open kick-around area
  • Ample on-site parking

Sunshine Park, Bellevue Ripley

As you approach the Sunshine Park playground, the central tower immediately catches the eye. Standing at 8 metres tall with three levels, it invites children to come and play. Inspired by the towering trees and creeping vines of a rainforest, the structure is both impressive and engaging.

Children can access the different levels through vertical climbing tunnels, ball pommels, and nets. The internal decks are inclined to provide an extra challenge. Once at the top, the 4.5-metre tunnel slide offers a thrilling descent back to the ground.

In the junior play area, there is a cubby-style fort with interactive elements decorating the walls. A small slide is easily accessible for little ones using stable stepping platforms.

For those who love to run or play ball sports, Sunshine Park features a basketball half-court, a handball court, and a generous kickabout area. There’s also a small pump track designed to manoeuvre around without pedalling, providing an additional challenge for competent riders and a fun spot for little ones to push their diggers down the hills.


  • 8-metre tall central tower with three levels
  • Vertical climbing tunnels, ball pommels, and nets
  • 4.5-metre tunnel slide
  • Junior play area with cubby-style fort and interactive elements
  • Basketball half-court, handball court, and kickabout area
  • Small pump track
  • No public toilets

Sunshine Park is an engaging and versatile playground, offering a variety of activities for children of all ages.

Tucker Family Park, Bellbird Park

Tucker Family Park is one of the best parks in Ipswich for children of all ages and abilities, set in a beautiful, nature-filled environment. This park offers a range of exciting features:

Key Attractions:

  • Giant Cube Tower: An impressive 11-metre structure with an 18-metre steel slide, providing plenty of thrills.
  • Toddler-Friendly Features: Includes a smaller slide from the second level of the cube and a dedicated play fort for younger children.
  • Sports Facilities: A large sporting field with goal posts and a fenced multi-purpose court for basketball and other games.
  • Nature Trails: Concrete pathways that lead around the park, through the trees, and to a dog off-leash park and separate puppy park. These paths also connect several local communities with hectares of green space.

Playground Features:

  • Fort with Mini Climbing Wall and Rope Bridge
  • Cube Tower with Giant Tube Slide
  • Musical Bar Chimes
  • Rocker and Roundabout
  • Climbing Nets
  • Sports Field and Multi-purpose Sports Court
  • Gym Equipment
  • Bike and Walking Paths
  • Picnic Tables and Shelters

Tucker Family Park is perfect for those looking to immerse themselves in nature while enjoying a variety of activities. Whether it’s exploring the extensive playground, participating in sports, or simply taking a peaceful walk, this park has something for everyone.

Whiterock Adventure Playground and Splash Pad, Ripley Valley

Whiterock Adventure Playground and Splash Pad in Ripley Valley is quickly becoming a top summer destination. The standout feature is the intriguing “play curl” structure, accompanied by water play and natural exploration zones.

Upon entering the beautifully designed space, the first thing you’ll notice is the huge and uniquely shaped “play curl,” which looks more like a sculptural masterpiece than a playground. The Australian-first design is over 16 metres long and can accommodate up to 40 children at a time with its mixture of net climbs, rock climbing holds, rubber ramps, balancing ropes, and suspended resting areas. This area is best suited for children aged 5 to 12, though confident younger climbers can also enjoy it.

Directly across from the playground is a mostly shaded, zero-depth Splash ’n’ Play area. It features water fountains, movable wiggly sprayers, button-controlled jets, and waterfall arches. Smaller children can safely enjoy water play away from the larger splash zone. The area has a non-slip rubber base for safety and ample seating for supervision.

Rounding out the play space are other playground favourites, including an embankment slide, swings, a seesaw, educational games, and an accessible carousel. The parklands are also equipped with full picnic amenities, making it an excellent choice for birthday parties and family gatherings.

The “play curl” offers a foundation for imaginative play. Its abstract design creates a sense of mystery and encourages problem-solving. Running adjacent to the curl is a dry creek bed with cylindrical stepping stones, providing a nice contrast to the metal and steel of the playground and encouraging a nature-style play. The different ground textures, equipment heights, and water play combine to form a multi-sensory experience.

Whiterock Adventure Playground is located on even terrain with connecting paths, making it easy to navigate with prams. The ground-level carousel spinner is designed for inclusive play. Disabled toilets and a baby change room are available on site.

Additional Features:

  • Unfenced playground
  • Accessible toilets
  • Mostly covered by shade sails
  • Bark chip, rubber, stone bases
  • Swings, including toddler and birds nest swings
  • Natural play elements
  • Educational games
  • Steel slide
  • Seesaw
  • Wheelchair accessible carousel
  • Short bike and scooter track
  • Picnic shelters
  • Electric BBQs
  • Bench seating
  • Kick-around area
  • Ample on and off-street parking

Whiterock Adventure Playground is perfect for families seeking fun and adventure, with diverse activities for children of all ages.

Best parks and nature reserves

Ipswich has a number of incredible parks and reserves for families to explore and make memories together.

Conveniently, the Naeus app makes it easier to discover Ipswich’s natural areas with GPS guided maps of walking tracks that include distance and grading information.

The Naeus Explore app enhances your outdoor adventures with several interactive features. It provides real-time weather updates and has a native plant identification tool—just take a photo, and the app will instantly provide details about the plant. Additionally, the app uses geo-fencing technology to automatically highlight points of interest near you. As you near important sites, like a historical tree or scenic lookout, the app notifies you with detailed information.

The app is also designed to be collaborative. You can report any issues, like fallen trees, directly to the local council through the app. Moreover, you’re encouraged to contribute by adding new points of interest that you discover, such as notable wildlife sightings or unique natural formations.

Queens Park

Queens Park, a jewel in the heart of Ipswich, holds profound cultural and historical significance not just locally, but for all of Queensland.

Established in 1842 and with its architectural roots dating back to 1862, Queens Park is the first and one of the most iconic parks developed in Queensland. It offers visitors a unique blend of historical elegance and contemporary amenities, making it a perfect destination for both relaxation and exploration. Challenge your little ones to spot animals such as Wallabies, Eastern Quolls, Wombats, Frill Neck Lizards, Emus and more!

Nestled near Ipswich city centre, the park provides a convenient escape with its shady gardens and tranquil spaces ideal for a leisurely lunch or a peaceful stroll.

Queens Park is replete with attractions that cater to all ages and interests: from the meticulously maintained formal garden beds and the serene Nerima Gardens, reflecting the beauty of Japanese landscape design, to the engaging Ipswich Nature Centre. The park also boasts modern play areas for children, the rustic charm of Bush House and Bush Chapel, sports facilities including the Queens Park Croquet Hall, and a café. Additionally, the Environmental Education Centre offers learning opportunities about local flora and fauna. 

Robelle Domain

Featuring water parks and lush gardens, Robelle Domain is an ideal spot for cooling down on hot days and enjoying outdoor concerts and events.

This huge park is spread over 24 hectares and comprises over 11km of boardwalks, sporting fields, walking tracks and playgrounds, as well as the stunning Orion Lagoon.

This park is a paradise for families and the play area boasts features that include interactive equipment that combines play with the excitement of electronic gaming and a zero depth water park with a large tipping bucket, jet sprays and spouts.

The park also features shady picnic areas, land art pyramids and an early evening sound and light show to cap off your day.

Flinders-Goolman Conservation Estate

Flinders-Goolman Conservation Estate is a  2,200 hectare estate and is popular for a wide range of activities including bushwalking, horse-riding, mountain biking, birdwatching and Traditional Owner cultural practices.

To explore the area, there are many trails available. The shortest trail is just 560m through bush tucker gardens, and a few other trails that are about two to three kilometres in length, which might be doable for little ones. They’ll be excited to spot wildlife such as king parrots,  willy wagtails, kangaroos and wallabies. 

White Rock Spring Mountain Conservation Estate

With its breathtaking landscapes, a wide variety of flora and fauna, and deep cultural heritage, White Rock – Spring Mountain Conservation Estate offers an ideal setting for a family bushwalk and picnic. Located just 20 minutes from Ipswich and 35 minutes from Brisbane, the estate is conveniently accessible while still providing a peaceful escape from urban life. There are boardwalks, caves, and lookouts, all along well-maintained paths with clearly marked trails and benches for resting tired legs along the way.

Most walks are relatively easy and flat, with dirt tracks and some boardwalk sections. However, some steep inclines, rough terrain, and loose surfaces also exist.

A few short routes for little legs include:

Bluff Lookout Circuit, 200m one way 
Little White Rock Lookout Circuit, 200m one way 
Six Mile Creek Boardwalk, 300m one way 
Little White Rock Track, 600m one way 
Six Mile Creek Track, 1.4km return 

Toilets and picnic shelters are positioned by the parking area with grassy areas where you can set up a picnic blanket.

Denmark Hill Conservation Reserve

Located right in the heart of the city, Denmark Hill Conservation Reserve is a favorite destination for birdwatchers and day-trippers. The reserve is well-equipped for visitors, featuring BBQ facilities, toilets, picnic tables, and ample parking. It offers five short walking tracks suitable for a quick escape into nature. The 200-metre Waterfall Track is wheelchair accessible, making it easy for everyone to enjoy. For those seeking a longer walk, Bluey’s 800m Circuit and the Water Tower 800m Circuit are the most extensive paths available. You can find the main entrance and parking area directly opposite the corner of Deebing and Clay Streets, just a three-minute drive from Ipswich CBD.

At the Quarry Street entrance, you’ll find a  wooden playground which fits in with its natural surroundings. The small playground consists of a climbing net, birds nest swing, balance beam and obstacle course made from ropes and stepping logs.

Best family camping

Hardings Paddock

Hardings Paddock offers a serene bush camping experience close to the city, yet feels a world away. With only eight spacious campsites, you’ll enjoy privacy and tranquility. Facilities include long drop toilets, shower cubicles (bring your own water), free barbecues, and a fire pit. Suitable for tents, caravans, and motorhomes, it even has a holding yard for horses.

The nearby Flinders-Goolman Conservation Estate provides excellent hiking trails across volcanic peaks and slopes, making it perfect for nature lovers and adventurers.

Ivory's Rock

Just a short drive away from Hardings Paddock, you’ll find Ivory’s Rock – a 600 hectare property,  backing onto the Flinders-Goolman Conservation Estate and surrounded by native bushland.  It’s an excellent option for those campers that prefer a few more modern amenities than what Hardings Paddock offers.

Ivory’s Rock is a private property that offers spectacular views of the surrounding mountain peaks.  Animal lovers will be in heaven here with wallabies and kangaroos regularly hopping about the property.  You may even be lucky enough to spot a koala or two.

Campsites at Ivory’s Rock are suitable for all kinds of campers, including those with tents, caravans or motorhomes.  There is a choice of powered and unpowered sites, which all have access to laundry and bathroom facilities.  Other amenities include gas barbecues, communal fire puts, water and even free wifi.

For those new to camping and don’t have their own gear, at Ivory’s Rock, you can even request a site that has all the camping gear set up for you. Then, all you have to do is arrive and relax. Of course, there’s no packing up either – that’s camping in true style!

Ipswich Caravan Village

Ipswich Caravan Village offers a tranquil bushland setting with options for overnight, tourist, and permanent accommodation. Choose from powered and unpowered sites for caravans and campers, or stay in one of our air-conditioned cabins, available for singles, doubles, families, and groups.

Conveniently located near shopping centres, restaurants, sporting venues, Willowbank Raceway, tourist attractions, and heritage sites, our park is perfect for exploring Ipswich, Queensland’s oldest provincial city. Enjoy the blend of natural beauty and nearby amenities during your stay.

Rosewood Showgrounds

Rosewood Showgrounds Camping Facility is located in the picturesque township of Rosewood, 20 minutes west of the Ipswich CBD and one hour from Brisbane making it the perfect place to set up camp while you explore South East Queensland.

Rosewood has been designated as an RV Friendly Town and the Showgrounds is a short drive or walk to a supermarket, chemist, doctors, coffee shops, and the electric train to Brisbane.

The Showground has 28 powered sites (some with access to sullage) and 17 un-powered sites . Other amenities include toilets, showers and free dump point and potable water.

Nearby attractions include the historic Rosewood township, Cobb & Co Tourist Drive and historic coach display, the heritage Rosewood Railway and museum, St Brigid’s Catholic Church (the largest timber church in the southern hemisphere), Grandchester Model Steam Railway, Spicers Hidden Vale and the Hidden Vale Adventure Park, Queensland Museum Rail Workshops, Ipswich Art Gallery and Ipswich Nature Centre.

There you have it! We hope you enjoyed our list of the best things to do with your family in Ipswich. If you’re after the best childcare in Ipswich, look no further than Little Scholars Karalee, due to open early 2025!

Contact us or book a tour today to ensure your little one gets the best start to life that they can.

Do you have a playground you think should be here? Let us know on our socials @littlescholarsearlylearning!
*Images courtesy of Ipswich city council, mrslardeedah.com, romethegnome.com, and Brisbanekids.com.

There you have it! We hope you enjoyed our list of the best things to do with your family in Ipswich. If you’re after the best childcare in Ipswich, look no further than Little Scholars Karalee, due to open early 2025!

Contact us or book a tour today to ensure your little one gets the best start to life that they can.

Do you have a family friendly Ipswich place to visit that should be on this list? Let us know on our socials @littlescholarsearlylearning!
*Images courtesy of Ipswich city council and Brisbanekids.com.


Deception Bay is a vibrant community in the City of Moreton Bay, just 45 minutes from Brisbane. Little Scholars has proudly been a part of this community since 2018. As we gear up to open our second campus, Little Scholars Deception Bay North, in January 2025, we’re excited to share some of our favourite family-friendly activities in the Moreton Bay area. After all, we’d like to think we’re more than just early learning, we’re proud members of this vibrant community. We cherish our families and believe in building treasured memories throughout childhood.

Check out our list of 17 fun family activities, though it’s just a glimpse of what this lively community has to offer.

Images and information courtesy of the organisations mentioned below, as well as City of Moreton BayVisit Moreton Bay and Brisbane Kids

Art galleries

Moreton Bay and surrounding areas host a number of art and culture galleries, a terrific addition to an area of about 500,000 people!

Caboolture Regional Art Gallery – In a contemporary gallery space, visitors can explore an exhibition program featuring significant Australian and international artists. The gallery showcases in-house curated exhibitions alongside touring shows from Australia’s leading visual art institutions, bringing the best of Australian art to the region for everyone to enjoy. Notably, a variety of family-friendly activities, including artist talks, workshops, and tours, are available throughout the year, making it a welcoming space for families to engage with art and creativity together.

Redcliffe Art Gallery – Redcliffe Art Gallery is the Peninsula’s premier family-friendly arts destination! With four exhibition spaces, families can enjoy a diverse range of works by local, emerging, and established Australian artists. The Studio, a dedicated public program space, frequently hosts artist-led workshops and transforms into a vibrant and popular art space for kids and families during school holidays. It’s the perfect place for families to explore art together and spark creativity in a welcoming environment!

Pine Rivers Art Gallery – a welcoming family-friendly space located on Turrbal Country. The gallery features an immersive exhibition program centered around an annual theme, showcasing collaborations with local and national artists. Families can enjoy art experiences that inspire curiosity and creativity together. Visitors of all ages can enhance their experience in the gallery’s dedicated engagement space, which hosts a diverse range of events and activities throughout the year. From hands-on artist-led workshops to fun, family-friendly programs during school holidays, there’s something for everyone to enjoy!



Bribie Island Seaside Museum  – Plan your next outing at the picturesque Bribie Island Seaside Museum! Located near the waterfront and overlooking the iconic Pumicestone Passage, this museum showcases the rich and fascinating history of Bribie Island, including: video archives with stories from First Nations elders, a theatre screening films about the famous S.S. Koopa (1911-1953), insights into Bribie Island’s significant role during World War II and the story of internationally acclaimed artist Ian FairweatherVisitors can learn about the intriguing history of Bribie Island through a variety of immersive and interactive displays, along with heaps of events and workshops throughout the year.

Redcliffe Museum – is a family-friendly destination that offers children a unique and contemporary glimpse into the people, places, and stories that have shaped this historical seaside town. The museum features: a First Nations video archive with stories about language and culture, films about the early days of the Peninsula, including the famous Rollerdome, offers a chance to rummage through memory boxes to uncover items and stories from the past. Throughout the year, families can enjoy a vibrant program of ever-changing exhibitions, events, and workshops, including the exciting Imaginarium, a dedicated children’s play space filled with various activities and crafts designed for children to create, learn, and explore.

Pine Rivers Heritage Museum is a fantastic family-friendly destination that invites children to explore the stories and significance of the district throughout history. The museum features an 1890s kit home produced by the renowned timber merchant James Campbell and Sons, the Skyring Clock Collection, showcasing 50 hand-crafted clocks, short films detailing the history of Normanby Rum, the Australian Paper Mill, and other early industries in the region, and a collection items that highlight Pine Rivers’ role during WWII. 

Woodford Museum – Right in the heart of Woodford Village and only about half an hour from our Deception Bay campus is the Woodford Historical Society’s Museum. The Museum is a community exhibition hub for the history of Woodford’s early explorers and home of the Mick and Val Draper collection of miniature buildings.

Get outdoors!

The Hills District All Abilities Playground – Leslie Patrick Park is an ideal spot for a fun-filled day for all little ones! This all-abilities playground ensures that children of all physical and intellectual abilities can join in the excitement and play together.

Bray Farm “Harry Potter” Park, Griffin – Mentioned in our popular blog post about playgrounds across South East Queensland, Bray Farm Park is commonly known as the ‘Harry Potter’ park in Griffin, north of Brisbane, this destination blends art, culture, nature, and fun for the entire family. There’s two whimsical ‘cottage style’ play structures, a climbing sphere, slides, swings, and charming bridges. With a magical forest backdrop, plenty of park benches, winding paths, and a large grassy area for games, this park is sure to be a fun day out for all! Parents take note, there aren’t toilets, the park isn’t fenced and it’s close to a road, so keep an eye on your youngsters while they play!

Lightwood Parklands in Caboolture South is an impressive multistorey playground designed for older children, making it perfect for primary school age and above. The playground features a challenging multi-storey fort with a thrilling three-story tunnel slide, swings for younger children, climbing nets, and a pump track that connects to wide pathways—ideal for bikes and scooters. Additional amenities include playing fields, a basketball half court, BBQs, and accessible toilets, ensuring a fun and inclusive experience for all.

Brisbane Kids has a fantastic blog on the best parks in Moreton Bay – check it out!

Caboolture Region Environmental Education Centre (CREEC) – With more than 18 hectares of diverse native vegetation near Burpengary Creek, the CREEC has plenty of wide open spaces, as well as shady, tucked away areas for hotter days. Discover the nocturnal room, interactive educational displays, and native stingless beehive inside the centre. Entry is free. With its manicured greens, a large fully fenced, all-abilities playground, BBQs and other family-friendly facilities, a nursery, and forest trails, the iconic CREEC has something for almost everyone!

Trevena Glen Farm at Mount Samson – a great escape from the city, Trevena Glen Farm gives an authentic farm experience for families with a dozen animals on the 16 acre family farm. Families can pay to tour the farm and see horses, rabbits, chickens, guinea pigs, goats, alpacas, llama, pigs, sheep, donkeys, mini horses and a dog. Pony rides are also an option and At the heart of the farm is Trevena Glen’s iconic 130 year old Moreton bay fig tree. This beautiful tree has a multi-level tree house. 

Dolphin Wild Island Cruises Moreton Island – For the adventurous types, why not try a Moreton Island cruise and snorkel experience? Enjoy an eco-cruise around the area spotting marine life including dolphins, sea turtles and  dugongs feeding on the seagrass during a marine eco-tour. The company welcomes families to bring their prams on board, ensuring that parents and guardians can easily navigate the vessel with their little ones. The minimum age to participate in the snorkelling activity is six years with an ability to swim and all children must be accompanied by an adult. Lucy, the operations manager, says they do the guided snorkel tour in rotations of smaller groups so both carers can have an opportunity to snorkel if looking after children who can’t participate. Those who can’t participate in the snorkel tour can either remain on the boat or get ferried to Moreton Island beach to experience the sand dunes and shallower waters. 

Osprey House Environmental Centre – The interpretive centre includes a life size dugong, bird and animal displays and the live streaming video from the osprey nest. You’ll find interesting educational displays, ‘touch’ tables and information provided in numerous and novel ways. They also offer story time sessions and school holiday programs. Explore the mangroves, Wildlife can be seen from the Mudflats, and in the Eucalypt Forest, the dominant trees above the tidal zone are Queensland Blue Gums and Grey Ironbarks – major Koala food species. Look out for the Koala that sometimes visits.

Kumbartcho Sanctuary and NurseryThis beautiful 6-hectare sanctuary, located next to the South Pine River, preserves the remaining pockets of riverine rainforest. Kumbartcho is home to an array of wildlife, including koalas, frogs, snakes, turtles, and possums. The nearby river provides opportunities to spot waterbirds, shorebirds, and even predatory raptors. Visitors are welcome to explore the sanctuary, enjoy the playground, and visit the plant nursery for a wonderful day surrounded by nature.

Settlement Cove Lagoon is a picturesque, tropical-style public pool situated on the Redcliffe Peninsula. With palms and fig trees lining the area, the lagoon and wading pools provide a perfect spot for families to relax and enjoy during the summer months. Young children will love the fenced-off water park with mushroom fountains, and a nearby playground. Settlement Cove is a great picnic spot, with barbeque areas, picnic shelters, and plenty of shade.

The Convict Trail – To learn a quirkier lesson, why not take the family along the convict trail? In 1824, Queensland’s first penal colony was founded on the Redcliffe Peninsula, marking the start of the state’s colonial history. The settlement included soldier barracks, a jail, the Commandant’s House, and various smaller buildings. Despite early progress, food and water shortages forced the abandonment of the site, leading to the relocation of the colony to the banks of the Brisbane River, now the heart of Brisbane’s CBD. Today, you can explore this fascinating chapter of history along the 1.7km Redcliffe Convict Trail, where the legacy of Queensland’s earliest settlers comes to life.

There you have it! We hope you enjoyed our list of the best things to do with your family in Moreton Bay. If you’re after the best childcare in Deception Bay, look no further than Little Scholars Deception Bay and Deception Bay North, due to open January 2025!

Contact us or book a tour today to ensure your little one gets the best start to life that they can.

Do you have a family friendly Ipswich place to visit that should be on this list? Let us know on our socials @littlescholarsearlylearning!
*Images courtesy of facilities listed as well as City of Moreton Bay, Visit Moreton Bay Region, and Brisbanekids.com.

The children, educators, staff and families are celebrating Little Scholars George Street receiving an Exceeding result in the National Quality Standards (NQS) Assessment and Rating recently.

Situated in the heart of Brisbane’s bustling central business district, Little Scholars George Street provides exceptional early learning and care for 108 children. Its unique location places children just steps away from some of Brisbane’s most iconic cultural spaces, including the Queensland State Library, Brisbane Square Library, Queensland Museum, and the Gallery of Modern Art.

Excursions like these, which pique children’s curiosity and understanding of the world, are just some of the unique offerings from Little Scholars George Street.

As Little Scholars approaches its 10th anniversary of serving South East Queensland families, the children, and the educators, are the heart of what makes this exceeding campus so special.

“Our team is incredibly dedicated to providing the best early education experience for our little scholars,” says Jae Fraser, founder of Little Scholars. “The Exceeding rating is a testament to their hard work, innovation, and commitment to the children’s development. They consistently go above and beyond to create a nurturing environment where each child can thrive, while also supporting families by making Little Scholars a true home away from home.”

Early education led by our little scholars, family and our community

Little Scholars’ Collective Curriculum emphasises how much of its educational experiences are child led, and this was noted in George Street’s assessment.

“Educators and service leaders actively sought the perspectives, opinions, and voices of children, families, and the community,” the assessment noted.

The assessment went on to say the George Street team demonstrated a strong, ongoing commitment to meaningful, authentic, and regular engagement to inform the program.

It highlighted the collaboration Little Scholars has with families and the community supported educators in designing and implementing programs that promoted belonging, valued each person’s unique contribution, and created a sense of wellbeing and calm throughout the service.

George Street team demonstrated a strong, ongoing commitment to meaningful, authentic, and regular engagement to inform the program.

An example of this approach is the Children’s Council, a key initiative at all Little Scholars campuses, including George Street. The Council, composed of children, their early childhood teacher, and educational leader, meets monthly to gather feedback on the children’s kindergarten experience and empower them to participate in decisions affecting their campus. The child-led meetings occasionally veer off-topic, but they offer invaluable insights into the children’s interests and perspectives.
Understanding how busy its families are, Little Scholars George Street goes the extra mile to ease parents’ daily challenges. The campus offers free parking, rare in the heart of Brisbane, along with a valet service where a caring staff member greets children and escorts them to the campus.

Additional support offered to families includes a daily breakfast bar, take-away meals to simplify dinner time, and quarterly date nights, giving parents the opportunity to reconnect while their children enjoy an evening of fun with friends.

“Given our proximity to government departments, law firms, and entertainment venues, we know our parents have demanding schedules,” Jae explains. “That’s why we’re committed to providing these additional services that truly make a difference in their daily lives.”

Campus pride of accomplishment
Home Meals Image1

Amy Robertson, campus manager of Little Scholars George Street can barely contain her excitement, and says she’s proud of her staff, who she believes always goes above and beyond.

“Our recent assessment and rating at George Street has highlighted the exceptional quality of care and education our campus provides. We are proud to receive an exceeding rating, a testament to the dedication and professionalism of our educators,” says Amy.

“This achievement has been warmly received by our families, with one parent expressing, ‘We always knew the campus was exceeding, it’s gratifying to see the staff receive this well-deserved recognition from the Department,’” she adds.

Little Scholars George Street’s Exceeding rating reflects the hard work and dedication of its entire community, and it highlights the exceptional quality of early education and care provided at this remarkable campus.

These days, life feels busier, more rushed, more overwhelming, so the need for bringing calm into our bodies and minds has never been more welcome.

We introduced our Little Scholars Mindfulness Program back in 2021, a time when the world was chaotic, and the early learning sector was facing its own unique challenges. While thankfully we’ve moved through that period and the world has adjusted, the importance of mindfulness, yoga, and meditation in early learning remains significant. These practices continue to play a crucial role in helping children develop focus, emotional resilience, and a sense of inner peace that supports their overall growth and wellbeing. But that’s not all these practices offer children.

We’ll share all the benefits mindfulness practices provide children, and we get to speak with Annette Hartland, a former Little Scholars educator who now teaches yoga and meditation full time to young children, including our little scholars. 

Meet Annette

Annette once worked as an educator in our Ashmore campus, leaving to follow her passion of becoming a yoga instructor. However, achieving her dream meant she actually returned to us in a different capacity, she now leads yoga and meditation practice at several of our campuses and our support office.

We asked Annette how she got started practicing yoga, and what she saw as the benefits of mindfulness practices for children.

 How did you get involved in yoga and what is it like to mix your passion for yoga with your great affection for young children?
It’s been so long that I don’t remember a time in my life when I haven’t practised some type of yoga/meditation. The short story is that my sister asked me to attend classes with her just after my second child was born. I’ve attended regularly ever since. My daughter’s almost 30 years old! Cliche as it sounds, Children are the future. They are inquisitive, flexible in mind and body and are ready to learn. It is vital to nurture this love of learning and develop a discipline of moving within their own space and taking time to be calm and think.

What are the emotional benefits of the practice?
Yoga and meditation practice take you inside yourself to be more aware of the movement of your breath, your body and your mind. We use the breath to be able to deal with situations calmly. One deep inhalation and a long exhalation remind us to pause to consider all the possibilities. Yoga teaches that all living beings are connected. This has a positive benefit for all living creatures. The children feel the difference between moving, being still and being relaxed.

What are the physical benefits?
Move it or lose it is the simplest answer. Children become aware of how much space they like at particular times eg. resting by themselves, partner poses, time to move with wide arms and stance or just a little space around their body. They develop concentration to maintain balance, they strengthen their muscles and become more flexible. We love moving rigorously and then freezing – the difference between effort and ease, mobile and relaxed.

What have you witnessed after teaching yoga with the children?
After teaching certain breathwork or postures, which I learned through the Zenergy yoga therapy course, the children settle more easily and are able to participate with more awareness. Some children are more aware of others and volunteer to be giving of themselves.

Do you have any advice for parents on bringing more mindfulness at home?
Take the time to be present to your children for a while each day, at least 10 minutes. No TV or telephones or music – just you and your child. Take a walk in nature, gaze at the stars, sit with a pet, cuddle on the couch and chat or be silent or breathe together. Listen, smell, taste, touch, feel … connect. This makes precious memories with your children.

The benefits of yoga for children
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As mentioned, one facet of our mindfulness program is offering our little scholars yoga sessions delivered by experts like Annette, and as she says, yoga offers a multitude of benefits for emotional and physical development, backed by research.

On the physical side, yoga enhances flexibility, coordination, balance, and posture. Yoga requires our full attention, requiring us to focus on the present and be fully aware of what our body is doing at any one time. It also helps develop fine and gross motor skills, guiding us to learn to control breathing, our stance and where we’re putting our weight, and flowing through to the next posture.

On the emotional side, by focusing on movement, balance, breathing and everything else that yoga requires of us means that we’re fully present in the moment,  practicing self-awareness and mindfulness, reducing stress and any outside ‘noise’, promoting relaxation, bringing a sense of calm and wellbeing. In turn, this means we’re developing emotional regulation and resilience.

For children who are just learning how to interpret and manage their emotions, this is a fantastic way for them to deal with life’s challenges big and small.

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Breathing to calm

Another and even easier way to bring more mindfulness to our day-to-day that anyone, including children, can do is practice breathing techniques to calm the mind and body. Here are some of our favourite breathing techniques for children.

1. Ask children to lie on the floor and place a small object, such as a soft toy or bean bag on their belly. Get them to place their hands by their side and breathe normally, watching the object go up and down. You could count as they inhale and exhale ‘breathe in 1, 2, 3, breathe out 1,2,3.’

2. Print or cut out some square, rectangle or triangle shapes and give one to each child. Ask the children to trace their finger around the shape, breathing in while moving their finger along one edge of the shape, hold their breath for a few seconds before breathing out, while tracing around the next side of the shape. Repeat this a number of times. 

Children can also use their own hand as the shape, using a finger on the other hand to trace up the side of a finger while breathing in and down the other side of the finger while breathing out, before moving on the next finger.

3. While sitting comfortably, model for the children how to create a circle shape with their hands and ask them to imagine that inside the circle is a mug of hot chocolate. Ask the children to breathe in slowly to smell the hot chocolate, and then blow out slowly to cool it down, repeating this a number of times.


Yoga for Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Well-Being: Research Review and Reflections on the Mental Health Potentials of Yoga: Ingunn Hagen and Usha S. Nayar, Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway New School University, New York, USA

The effects of yoga on mental health in school-aged children: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis of Randomised Control Trials, Kirti Khunti, Sadie Boniface, Emma Norris, Cesar M De Oliveira, and Nicola Shelton, University College London (UCL), London, UK, Kings College London, London, UK,
Brunel University, London, UK

Scoping Review of Yoga in Schools: Mental Health and Cognitive Outcomes in Both Neurotypical and Neurodiverse Youth Populations, Niamh Hart, Samantha Fawkner, Ailsa Niven, Josie N Booth,  University of Edinburgh

Ipswich! You may have heard Little Scholars School of Early Learning is coming to you! We’re thrilled our newest campus is coming to Ipswich in early 2025. As we prepare to open our doors, we want to celebrate by sharing some of our favourite family-friendly activities in Ipswich, because we’re not just about early learning, we adore our families and our Ipswich community!

We think Ipswich has really stepped up its game when it comes to offering some great entertaining offerings for the young, and the young at heart. 

Images and information courtesy of the organisations mentioned below, as well as Brisbane Kids, Ipswich FirstFamilies Magazine and Must-Do Brisbane.

Ipswich Children's Library

Did you know Ipswich has Australia’s only public library dedicated to children?  It features a specially designed catalogue with over 35,000 books just for children, and unique multi-reality interactive experiences.

The Ipswich Children’s Library is designed to be an interactive and engaging space for children. It features various zones with elements that encourage exploration and active participation. Highlights include a series of colourful tubes where children can send fabric pieces flying through the air, large interactive screens, and colouring tables where children can scan and watch their decorated fish swim on a screen. The library also offers cosy reading nooks, a gaming touch screen with STEAM-based puzzles, and a unique Reading Tree with a cushioned tunnel for reading. The space is filled with natural light, thanks to its floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the Nicholas Street Precinct and landscaped gardens. 

The library is open seven days a week and hosts regular, child-focused programs and events and special tech adventures just for little ones!

Queensland Pioneer Steam Museum

Hop aboard the Queensland Pioneer Steam Railway in Ipswich for a fun-filled family adventure. Ride in beautifully restored vintage carriages and explore the rich mining history of the area. As the train chugs along, you’ll pass by old mine ruins and vintage equipment, giving you a glimpse into Ipswich’s past. It’s a perfect outing for families to enjoy a unique and educational experience together.

RAAF Base Amberley Heritage Centre

Attention all young aviation enthusiasts! Visit the RAAF Amberley Aviation Heritage Centre near Ipswich to see some amazing aircraft up close. Walk around and marvel at the F-111 with its famous “dump and burn” feature. Check out the WWII Boston Bomber, Vietnam-era Canberra bomber, Caribou airlifter, Sioux and Iroquois helicopters, and WWII Jeeps. You’ll also see cool Sabre and Mirage fighter jets. Learn about the RAAF’s important role in history with interactive exhibits and displays. It’s a fun and educational trip for the whole family!

Check the website for times to visit.

Ipswich Art Gallery

Ipswich Art Gallery takes play seriously! Its goal is to create dynamic pathways for lifelong relationships with art.

It’s a visual arts and social history museum presenting a dynamic program of exhibitions and heritage displays with complementary workshops, performances and an extensive program for children and families. We also adore that the gallery guides itself by philosophical principles for its children’s gallery, highlighting that learning begins with creative play, and that children are important members of our community who should be encouraged to express and develop their ideas and views.

Ipswich Nature Centre

Located in Queens Park, the Ipswich Nature Centre offers a delightful experience for families and nature enthusiasts. This free-entry zoo showcases native Australian wildlife, including kangaroos, emus, wombats, and bilbies. Wander through lush gardens, see barnyard animals, and enjoy the aviary filled with colourful birds. The centre provides an educational and fun outing, promoting conservation and the beauty of local wildlife.

For more information, visit Ipswich Nature Centre.

Cooneana Heritage Centre

Discover the rich history of Ipswich at the Cooneana Heritage Centre, home to the Ipswich Historical Society. Explore historical photographs, artifacts, traditional crafts, and coal mining displays that highlight the region’s diverse past. Visit Cooneana Homestead to see early Ipswich life, and Jim Donald House, a well-preserved miner’s cottage from the 1890s. Experience an old-fashioned classroom in the schoolroom and watch blacksmiths at work in the blacksmith shop. Perfect for history enthusiasts and families alike.

Queensland Museum Rail Workshops

Take an eye-opening journey through Queensland’s history at the heritage-listed Ipswich Railway Workshops. The award-winning Queensland Museum Rail Workshops is a must-visit for anyone in Ipswich. Once employing over 3,000 railway workers and making it Queensland’s largest employer at the time, this historic site now blends the charm of the past with modern technological advances.

Explore the old boilershop, home to beautifully restored locomotives and carriages, and marvel at Queensland’s largest model railway, showcasing detailed scenes of the state. Perfect for visitors of all ages, this museum brings history to life.

Top Ipswich Playgrounds

Faye Carr Park, Ripley

Check out Faye Carr Park in Ripley, a rocket ship-themed playground designed for the whole community.

The standout feature is the impressive trio of red and green pods, which have become a landmark of the Ecco Ripley development since its opening in 2018. These custom-designed pods by Playscape Creations are a first for Australia, offering sensory delights like cogs, steering equipment, and rainbow spinning wheels, all connected by a bridge. The exterior is just as engaging with ladders, slides, staircases, and fireman poles for endless fun.

For younger children, there’s a separate toddler playground complete with a mini slide, ladder, and puzzles. The area also includes a five-person swing circle, a rotating net climber, a see-saw, and a double-track flying fox for inclusive play.

Sports enthusiasts will enjoy the middle section of the park with multipurpose fields for soccer, rugby, and basketball, as well as an outdoor workout zone. Picnic shelters and BBQs make it perfect for a family outing.

 Over 20 developmental activities between the main and toddler playgrounds promote educational play in a fun outdoor setting. The park also emphasises social play with shared swing circles, rotating net climbers, and multi-track flying foxes, encouraging greater participation.

The parklands are wheelchair and pram friendly, with accessible pathways connecting all areas. The seated playground equipment, including an adaptive swing, see-saw, and net climber, are designed for inclusivity.

Faye Carr Park Features:

  • Accessible toilets
  • Unfenced
  • Baby change table facilities
  • Playground 50% covered by shade sails
  • Rubber, bark chip, and sand base
  • Adaptive swing with harness
  • Learn-to-ride track
  • Basketball court
  • Fitness equipment
  • Open kick-around area
  • Soccer/rugby field
  • BBQs
  • Picnic shelters
  • On-street parking

Orion Mega Playground, Springfield

 A multi-million dollar playground that is accessible and engaging for all ages is the incredible result of a consultation between locals and Orion Shopping Centre.

The main attraction is a vibrant activity centre with a tower reaching 11 metres high, accessible via internal ladders or a 16-metre Sky Walk bridge offering a birds-eye view of the playground below. Two enormous tunnel slides flank the tower, perfect for young thrill-seekers. Note that the play area is not fenced from the nearby car park, so close adult supervision is necessary.

For children who prefer to stay grounded, the playground features in-built trampolines, mountaineering ropes, and a large climbing net tunnel. A wheelchair-friendly merry-go-round promotes inclusive play.

The toddler area includes slides, stairs, a rock climbing wall, a fire pole, a colourful see-saw, and a cognitive play hut with educational activities. Swings are available for both independent children and those needing assistance. Most of the playground is covered by shade sails or roofing for sun protection.

Lobley Park, Churchill

Lobley Park is a charming, aviation-themed park that pays tribute to Ipswich’s Air Force heritage. Children will love playing in the aeroplane structure, exploring the air traffic control tower, and enjoying the parachute swings. The park also offers ample space for running around, traditional playground equipment like swings and slides, and a story time area. Perfect for picnics or parties, Lobley Park features barbecues and tables. It’s a fantastic spot for family fun, with memorable attractions that children will adore!

Redbank Plains Recreation Reserve Playground, Redbank Plains

Located just 15 minutes from Ipswich city, the recently upgraded Redbank Plains Recreation Reserve has become a popular community hub for gathering, playing, socialising, and relaxing.

The central playground features a 9-metre tall adventure tower made of cargo netting, platforms, and ladders, offering a vertical thrill for older children. Climbers can choose between a speedy tunnel slide and a twisty tube slide. The roped exterior allows for easy parental supervision.

The reserve also boasts a 20-metre high ropes course, challenging balance, strength, and coordination, with opportunities for adults to assist younger climbers. Additional features include a giant rotating bird’s nest swing, a multi-bay swing set, and sensory spinners.

A dedicated toddler playground caters to ages one to five with accessible platforms, ground-level activities, gentle slides, and imaginative play areas. Essentials such as swings, see-saws, bouncers, and an inclusive carousel are built on a soft base with ample shade sails. Nearby seating is available for supervision and picnics.

The reserve also includes a newly renovated skate park, suitable for skaters of all levels, adjacent to a large grassy field ideal for soccer, cricket, or kite flying.

Additional features:

  • BBQs
  • Car Parking
  • Dog Off Leash Area
  • Drinking Water
  • Gazebos/Rotunda/Shelters
  • Picnic Facilities/Seats/Benches
  • Power
  • Public Toilets

Splash n' Play Adventure Park, Ripley

The rapidly expanding Ripley Valley is home to several state-of-the-art playgrounds, and the Splash ‘n’ Play Adventure Park is a standout. Designed for all age groups, the park features towering sky cabins at 7.5 metres high, connected by enclosed rope bridges for safety. Children can exit the playground via a straight tubular slide, a twisted mega slide, or by climbing down netted ladders. This section is ideal for children over 5, though confident younger climbers can also enjoy it.

The park also includes a flying fox, a small swing set, and toddler-friendly options in the neighbouring play area.

Directly across from the playground is a shaded, multi-age Splash ’n’ Play area with water fountains, movable sprayers, button-controlled jets, and waterfall arches. This area is divided into two sections, allowing smaller children to play safely away from the larger splash zone. The non-slip rubber base and ample seating enhance safety and supervision.

For families, the Forty West Café at the top of the adventure park serves delicious coffee and food daily. A takeaway coffee is ideal, as a tall garden partially blocks the view between the café seating and the playground below.

  • Accessible toilets
  • Not fenced but set back from the road
  • Largely shaded playground and water play area
  • Zero-depth Splash ‘n’ Play area
  • Mixture of bark, artificial turf, and rubber base
  • Family-friendly café
  • Showers
  • Picnic shelters
  • BBQs
  • Open kick-around area
  • Ample on-site parking

Sunshine Park, Bellevue Ripley

As you approach the Sunshine Park playground, the central tower immediately catches the eye. Standing at 8 metres tall with three levels, it invites children to come and play. Inspired by the towering trees and creeping vines of a rainforest, the structure is both impressive and engaging.

Children can access the different levels through vertical climbing tunnels, ball pommels, and nets. The internal decks are inclined to provide an extra challenge. Once at the top, the 4.5-metre tunnel slide offers a thrilling descent back to the ground.

In the junior play area, there is a cubby-style fort with interactive elements decorating the walls. A small slide is easily accessible for little ones using stable stepping platforms.

For those who love to run or play ball sports, Sunshine Park features a basketball half-court, a handball court, and a generous kickabout area. There’s also a small pump track designed to manoeuvre around without pedalling, providing an additional challenge for competent riders and a fun spot for little ones to push their diggers down the hills.


  • 8-metre tall central tower with three levels
  • Vertical climbing tunnels, ball pommels, and nets
  • 4.5-metre tunnel slide
  • Junior play area with cubby-style fort and interactive elements
  • Basketball half-court, handball court, and kickabout area
  • Small pump track
  • No public toilets

Sunshine Park is an engaging and versatile playground, offering a variety of activities for children of all ages.

Tucker Family Park, Bellbird Park

Tucker Family Park is one of the best parks in Ipswich for children of all ages and abilities, set in a beautiful, nature-filled environment. This park offers a range of exciting features:

Key Attractions:

  • Giant Cube Tower: An impressive 11-metre structure with an 18-metre steel slide, providing plenty of thrills.
  • Toddler-Friendly Features: Includes a smaller slide from the second level of the cube and a dedicated play fort for younger children.
  • Sports Facilities: A large sporting field with goal posts and a fenced multi-purpose court for basketball and other games.
  • Nature Trails: Concrete pathways that lead around the park, through the trees, and to a dog off-leash park and separate puppy park. These paths also connect several local communities with hectares of green space.

Playground Features:

  • Fort with Mini Climbing Wall and Rope Bridge
  • Cube Tower with Giant Tube Slide
  • Musical Bar Chimes
  • Rocker and Roundabout
  • Climbing Nets
  • Sports Field and Multi-purpose Sports Court
  • Gym Equipment
  • Bike and Walking Paths
  • Picnic Tables and Shelters

Tucker Family Park is perfect for those looking to immerse themselves in nature while enjoying a variety of activities. Whether it’s exploring the extensive playground, participating in sports, or simply taking a peaceful walk, this park has something for everyone.

Whiterock Adventure Playground and Splash Pad, Ripley Valley

Whiterock Adventure Playground and Splash Pad in Ripley Valley is quickly becoming a top summer destination. The standout feature is the intriguing “play curl” structure, accompanied by water play and natural exploration zones.

Upon entering the beautifully designed space, the first thing you’ll notice is the huge and uniquely shaped “play curl,” which looks more like a sculptural masterpiece than a playground. The Australian-first design is over 16 metres long and can accommodate up to 40 children at a time with its mixture of net climbs, rock climbing holds, rubber ramps, balancing ropes, and suspended resting areas. This area is best suited for children aged 5 to 12, though confident younger climbers can also enjoy it.

Directly across from the playground is a mostly shaded, zero-depth Splash ’n’ Play area. It features water fountains, movable wiggly sprayers, button-controlled jets, and waterfall arches. Smaller children can safely enjoy water play away from the larger splash zone. The area has a non-slip rubber base for safety and ample seating for supervision.

Rounding out the play space are other playground favourites, including an embankment slide, swings, a seesaw, educational games, and an accessible carousel. The parklands are also equipped with full picnic amenities, making it an excellent choice for birthday parties and family gatherings.

The “play curl” offers a foundation for imaginative play. Its abstract design creates a sense of mystery and encourages problem-solving. Running adjacent to the curl is a dry creek bed with cylindrical stepping stones, providing a nice contrast to the metal and steel of the playground and encouraging a nature-style play. The different ground textures, equipment heights, and water play combine to form a multi-sensory experience.

Whiterock Adventure Playground is located on even terrain with connecting paths, making it easy to navigate with prams. The ground-level carousel spinner is designed for inclusive play. Disabled toilets and a baby change room are available on site.

Additional Features:

  • Unfenced playground
  • Accessible toilets
  • Mostly covered by shade sails
  • Bark chip, rubber, stone bases
  • Swings, including toddler and birds nest swings
  • Natural play elements
  • Educational games
  • Steel slide
  • Seesaw
  • Wheelchair accessible carousel
  • Short bike and scooter track
  • Picnic shelters
  • Electric BBQs
  • Bench seating
  • Kick-around area
  • Ample on and off-street parking

Whiterock Adventure Playground is perfect for families seeking fun and adventure, with diverse activities for children of all ages.

Best parks and nature reserves

Ipswich has a number of incredible parks and reserves for families to explore and make memories together.

Conveniently, the Naeus app makes it easier to discover Ipswich’s natural areas with GPS guided maps of walking tracks that include distance and grading information.

The Naeus Explore app enhances your outdoor adventures with several interactive features. It provides real-time weather updates and has a native plant identification tool—just take a photo, and the app will instantly provide details about the plant. Additionally, the app uses geo-fencing technology to automatically highlight points of interest near you. As you near important sites, like a historical tree or scenic lookout, the app notifies you with detailed information.

The app is also designed to be collaborative. You can report any issues, like fallen trees, directly to the local council through the app. Moreover, you’re encouraged to contribute by adding new points of interest that you discover, such as notable wildlife sightings or unique natural formations.

Queens Park

Queens Park, a jewel in the heart of Ipswich, holds profound cultural and historical significance not just locally, but for all of Queensland.

Established in 1842 and with its architectural roots dating back to 1862, Queens Park is the first and one of the most iconic parks developed in Queensland. It offers visitors a unique blend of historical elegance and contemporary amenities, making it a perfect destination for both relaxation and exploration. Challenge your little ones to spot animals such as Wallabies, Eastern Quolls, Wombats, Frill Neck Lizards, Emus and more!

Nestled near Ipswich city centre, the park provides a convenient escape with its shady gardens and tranquil spaces ideal for a leisurely lunch or a peaceful stroll.

Queens Park is replete with attractions that cater to all ages and interests: from the meticulously maintained formal garden beds and the serene Nerima Gardens, reflecting the beauty of Japanese landscape design, to the engaging Ipswich Nature Centre. The park also boasts modern play areas for children, the rustic charm of Bush House and Bush Chapel, sports facilities including the Queens Park Croquet Hall, and a café. Additionally, the Environmental Education Centre offers learning opportunities about local flora and fauna. 

Robelle Domain

Featuring water parks and lush gardens, Robelle Domain is an ideal spot for cooling down on hot days and enjoying outdoor concerts and events.

This huge park is spread over 24 hectares and comprises over 11km of boardwalks, sporting fields, walking tracks and playgrounds, as well as the stunning Orion Lagoon.

This park is a paradise for families and the play area boasts features that include interactive equipment that combines play with the excitement of electronic gaming and a zero depth water park with a large tipping bucket, jet sprays and spouts.

The park also features shady picnic areas, land art pyramids and an early evening sound and light show to cap off your day.

Flinders-Goolman Conservation Estate

Flinders-Goolman Conservation Estate is a  2,200 hectare estate and is popular for a wide range of activities including bushwalking, horse-riding, mountain biking, birdwatching and Traditional Owner cultural practices.

To explore the area, there are many trails available. The shortest trail is just 560m through bush tucker gardens, and a few other trails that are about two to three kilometres in length, which might be doable for little ones. They’ll be excited to spot wildlife such as king parrots,  willy wagtails, kangaroos and wallabies. 

White Rock Spring Mountain Conservation Estate

With its breathtaking landscapes, a wide variety of flora and fauna, and deep cultural heritage, White Rock – Spring Mountain Conservation Estate offers an ideal setting for a family bushwalk and picnic. Located just 20 minutes from Ipswich and 35 minutes from Brisbane, the estate is conveniently accessible while still providing a peaceful escape from urban life. There are boardwalks, caves, and lookouts, all along well-maintained paths with clearly marked trails and benches for resting tired legs along the way.

Most walks are relatively easy and flat, with dirt tracks and some boardwalk sections. However, some steep inclines, rough terrain, and loose surfaces also exist.

A few short routes for little legs include:

Bluff Lookout Circuit, 200m one way 
Little White Rock Lookout Circuit, 200m one way 
Six Mile Creek Boardwalk, 300m one way 
Little White Rock Track, 600m one way 
Six Mile Creek Track, 1.4km return 

Toilets and picnic shelters are positioned by the parking area with grassy areas where you can set up a picnic blanket.

Denmark Hill Conservation Reserve

Located right in the heart of the city, Denmark Hill Conservation Reserve is a favorite destination for birdwatchers and day-trippers. The reserve is well-equipped for visitors, featuring BBQ facilities, toilets, picnic tables, and ample parking. It offers five short walking tracks suitable for a quick escape into nature. The 200-metre Waterfall Track is wheelchair accessible, making it easy for everyone to enjoy. For those seeking a longer walk, Bluey’s 800m Circuit and the Water Tower 800m Circuit are the most extensive paths available. You can find the main entrance and parking area directly opposite the corner of Deebing and Clay Streets, just a three-minute drive from Ipswich CBD.

At the Quarry Street entrance, you’ll find a  wooden playground which fits in with its natural surroundings. The small playground consists of a climbing net, birds nest swing, balance beam and obstacle course made from ropes and stepping logs.

Best family camping

Hardings Paddock

Hardings Paddock offers a serene bush camping experience close to the city, yet feels a world away. With only eight spacious campsites, you’ll enjoy privacy and tranquility. Facilities include long drop toilets, shower cubicles (bring your own water), free barbecues, and a fire pit. Suitable for tents, caravans, and motorhomes, it even has a holding yard for horses.

The nearby Flinders-Goolman Conservation Estate provides excellent hiking trails across volcanic peaks and slopes, making it perfect for nature lovers and adventurers.

Ivory's Rock

Just a short drive away from Hardings Paddock, you’ll find Ivory’s Rock – a 600 hectare property,  backing onto the Flinders-Goolman Conservation Estate and surrounded by native bushland.  It’s an excellent option for those campers that prefer a few more modern amenities than what Hardings Paddock offers.

Ivory’s Rock is a private property that offers spectacular views of the surrounding mountain peaks.  Animal lovers will be in heaven here with wallabies and kangaroos regularly hopping about the property.  You may even be lucky enough to spot a koala or two.

Campsites at Ivory’s Rock are suitable for all kinds of campers, including those with tents, caravans or motorhomes.  There is a choice of powered and unpowered sites, which all have access to laundry and bathroom facilities.  Other amenities include gas barbecues, communal fire puts, water and even free wifi.

For those new to camping and don’t have their own gear, at Ivory’s Rock, you can even request a site that has all the camping gear set up for you. Then, all you have to do is arrive and relax. Of course, there’s no packing up either – that’s camping in true style!

Ipswich Caravan Village

Ipswich Caravan Village offers a tranquil bushland setting with options for overnight, tourist, and permanent accommodation. Choose from powered and unpowered sites for caravans and campers, or stay in one of our air-conditioned cabins, available for singles, doubles, families, and groups.

Conveniently located near shopping centres, restaurants, sporting venues, Willowbank Raceway, tourist attractions, and heritage sites, our park is perfect for exploring Ipswich, Queensland’s oldest provincial city. Enjoy the blend of natural beauty and nearby amenities during your stay.

Rosewood Showgrounds

Rosewood Showgrounds Camping Facility is located in the picturesque township of Rosewood, 20 minutes west of the Ipswich CBD and one hour from Brisbane making it the perfect place to set up camp while you explore South East Queensland.

Rosewood has been designated as an RV Friendly Town and the Showgrounds is a short drive or walk to a supermarket, chemist, doctors, coffee shops, and the electric train to Brisbane.

The Showground has 28 powered sites (some with access to sullage) and 17 un-powered sites . Other amenities include toilets, showers and free dump point and potable water.

Nearby attractions include the historic Rosewood township, Cobb & Co Tourist Drive and historic coach display, the heritage Rosewood Railway and museum, St Brigid’s Catholic Church (the largest timber church in the southern hemisphere), Grandchester Model Steam Railway, Spicers Hidden Vale and the Hidden Vale Adventure Park, Queensland Museum Rail Workshops, Ipswich Art Gallery and Ipswich Nature Centre.

There you have it! We hope you enjoyed our list of the best things to do with your family in Ipswich. If you’re after the best childcare in Ipswich, look no further than Little Scholars Karalee, due to open early 2025!

Contact us or book a tour today to ensure your little one gets the best start to life that they can.

Do you have a playground you think should be here? Let us know on our socials @littlescholarsearlylearning!
*Images courtesy of Ipswich city council, mrslardeedah.com, romethegnome.com, and Brisbanekids.com.

There you have it! We hope you enjoyed our list of the best things to do with your family in Ipswich. If you’re after the best childcare in Ipswich, look no further than Little Scholars Karalee, due to open early 2025!

Contact us or book a tour today to ensure your little one gets the best start to life that they can.

Do you have a family friendly Ipswich place to visit that should be on this list? Let us know on our socials @littlescholarsearlylearning!
*Images courtesy of Ipswich city council and Brisbanekids.com.

Over the past couple of months, we have started to launch woodworking stations at our campuses! But why, you may ask. It’s dangerous! They could get hurt! At Little Scholars, we actively guide children through ‘risky’ activities to build up their skills, confidence, and resilience. Engaging in woodworking helps children learn to assess and manage risks, develop fine motor skills, and boost their creativity and problem-solving abilities. By introducing these activities in a controlled and supervised environment, we ensure they gain valuable life skills while staying safe.

 The children at our Ashmore campus were the first to start their own project by wanting to build a frame. The children and their educators devised a plan for the project and took a trip down to their local Bunnings to source their own tools and materials, and completed their project over the week!
Skills learned through using tools

Woodworking is an excellent way for children to exercise their creative, practical and critical thinking skills. It allows them to express their ideas and figure out solutions to their projects.

As they measure, cut, and assemble pieces of wood, they enhance their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. These activities require precision and control, which are crucial for writing, drawing, and other tasks. Furthermore, using tools like hammers, saws, and sandpaper teaches them how to handle and manipulate objects with care and accuracy.

Confidence and resilience

Guiding children through woodworking activities helps build their confidence and resilience. Completing a woodworking project, no matter how simple, gives children a sense of accomplishment and boosts their self-esteem. They learn that they can create something tangible and useful with their own hands. Additionally, the process often involves overcoming challenges and solving problems, which teaches persistence and resilience. These qualities are essential for tackling academic challenges and life’s obstacles.


Planning and assessment

Our little scholars begin their woodworking projects by making a plan. This may look like drawing out their project, or making a model out of cardboard or building blocks,  discussing with their friends and educators what they’d like to build, how they’d like it to look, what tools they need in order to make their design come to life, and figure out any risks there may be and how to reduce chances of hurting themselves.

Risk management

Introducing woodworking in a controlled environment allows children to learn about risk management. They are taught how to use tools safely, understand the potential dangers, and take appropriate precautions. This hands-on experience with ‘risky’ activities helps them develop a healthy respect for safety and risk assessment. They learn to think ahead, plan their actions, and make informed decisions to minimise risks, which are valuable skills both in and out of the workshop.

Some of their documented conversations with educators have included:

How can we make sure we are safe when using the tool table?

“You have to wear safety glasses.”

“If you step on a nail you can hurt your feet.”

“It can’t be too busy, I might knock something over or into someone and hurt them.”

What do you do at the tool table?

“I can measure the wood.”

“When I’m at the table I use the screwdriver.”

“I use nails to put in the wood.”

How does it make you feel when you build at the tool table?

“I like tools because I can screw something in.”

“I feel happy because I can make something.”

Creativity and problem-solving

Woodworking supports creativity and problem-solving skills. As children design and build their projects, they must think creatively to overcome design challenges and find solutions. This process encourages them to experiment, explore new ideas, and think outside the box. The ability to approach problems creatively and develop innovative solutions is a real skill in today’s world, where adaptability and innovation are highly valued.

Educational value

In addition to the practical skills, woodworking integrates educational concepts such as maths and science. Measuring pieces of wood, calculating dimensions, and understanding geometric shapes are all part of the woodworking process. Children also learn about the properties of different materials and the principles of mechanics and engineering. This hands-on application of academic subjects helps to reinforce their learning and makes these concepts more tangible and understandable.

By providing children with the opportunity to engage in woodworking, we are equipping them with a wide range of skills and experiences that will benefit them throughout their lives. Through careful supervision and guidance, we ensure that they can enjoy the benefits of this fun activity safely.

If you’re after the best playgrounds in the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Ipswich and Redland areas, look no further. Here we cover all of the top playgrounds in the region so that you can have a fun day out with your little one no matter where your adventures take you!

We think South East Queensland has really stepped up its game when it comes to offering some great play spaces for the young, and the young at heart. We like these playgrounds because of their nature themes, as well as adventurous play-designed spaces. Adventure play, also known as ‘risky’ play, is an important part of childhood, it develops physical skills, problem-solving, self-assessment, and risk detection skills, and something we encourage in our campuses and in our curriculum! So we thought we’d share our favourite playgrounds all the way from the southern Gold Coast and northern Brisbane and Ipswich!

We’re very grateful to the Gold Coast, Redlands, Ipswich and Brisbane city councils, mrslardeedah.comromethegnome.comBrisbane KidsProludicMust-Do Brisbane kidsonthecoast.comGo DucklingTLCCPlayscape Creations and defunct site boobobutt.com.au who have shared these incredible images and information of playgrounds around South East Queensland.

Southern Gold Coast

Livvi's Place at Goorimahbah - Place of Stories Playground

Located at Jack Evans Boat Harbour, straddling the border of Queensland and New South Wales, is the impressive new inclusive playground, Livvi’s Place at Goorimahbah – Place of Stories Playground.

This fully-fenced playground is designed for inclusive play, featuring two climbing towers with interactive equipment like binoculars and sound tubes, a carousel, a double flying fox, multiple swings, a suspended rope bridge, and an enclosed slide. Additionally, there are water and sand play areas, carved wooden animals, a water pump and sand table, and accessible musical elements.

Facilities include barbecues, shaded seating, shaded grass mounds for picnics, and nearby public toilets. Street parking is available. The second stage of development, completed at the end of 2023, added a youth recreation area, an Aboriginal Memorial Wall, additional seating, picnic tables, and barbeque facilities outside the fenced play space.

This playground is a fantastic addition to the area, promoting inclusive play and cultural education in a fun and engaging environment.

Palm Beach Pirate Park

The new and improved Pirate Park at Palm Beach is finally finished, and it’s GREAT. After 12 years, this beloved southern Gold Coast playground had reached the end of its life, so the city kicked in $1.4M to revamp the space, located at Palm Beach Parklands, right on Currumbin Creek. The new design maintains the popular pirate ship theme, and provides a variety of different play opportunities and experiences for a range of ages. The new pirate ship play structure includes:

  • Climbing nets and ropes
  • Suspension bridge
  • Telescopes, cannons, interactive panels
  • Imaginary play elements
  • 7-metre-high crow’s nest towers
  • 8-metre-long tunnel slide
  • Swings
  • Flying fox
  • Spinning globe
  • Large basket swing
  • Row boats with talk tubes
  • Caves
  • Hammock
  • Sensory play elements
There are public toilets nearby, BBQs and the Dune Cafe steps away, as well as creek, which makes for a perfect day out! Just beware it’s a busy playground and parking fills quickly!
Images Little Scholars and City of Gold Coast, information from City of Gold Coast

Schuster Park, Tallebudgera

Schuster Park adventure playground in Tallebudgera is fantastic for children who love to climb, it’s ideal for children aged 4 and up, it’s a climber’s paradise featuring two giant slides off the main tower. The playground also boasts a series of nature paths with balance beams, jumping posts, sand paths with drums, musical flowers, and stepping stones for your little adventurers.

Additionally, there’s a small beach nearby if you need to cool off, along with two BBQs and a toilet block right next to the playground for convenience.

This playground offers a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation, making it an excellent spot for families to spend the day.

Images Little Scholars, information thanks to City of Gold Coast.

Tugun Park, Tugun

The castle-themed playground at Tugun Park  features a double Medieval tower, a drawbridge, a knight, and a horse, of course! The bridges and more, all designed to inspire fun and creativity. There are two large tunnel slides and one open slide, there’s also a swing set with a parent-and-child swing alongside traditional swings makes it fun for all ages.

Please note there are no shade sails, but there are  large trees and covered picnic tables. While not fully fenced, a fence runs along the carpark side, and the open side leads to spacious grassy areas including a community garden. Conveniently, there are numerous picnic tables, BBQs, and toilets right by the playground.

Images courtesy of proludic, playground details thanks to Mrs Lardeedah


Galleon Park, Currumbin Waters

Nestled on Galleon Way in Currumbin Waters, Galleon Park is a hidden gem offering a myriad of activities for families. This exceptional park boasts various features, including a learn-to-ride track, a playground suitable for both toddlers and older children, a basketball court, expansive grassy areas, picnic shelters, and convenient toilet facilities.

The playground received a comprehensive upgrade in late 2021, introducing an array of equipment designed to entertain children of all ages. The toddler section is thoughtfully shaded under a canopy, while the rest of the playground benefits from natural shade provided by surrounding trees. Attractions include slides, climbing ropes, a flying fox, swings, and seesaws.

Adjacent to the playground, there’s a learn-to-ride track complete with roundabouts, traffic signs, and crossings, great for those on trikes, bikes, scooters, and skateboards. 

The park also features additional amenities such as a picnic shelter with BBQ facilities, a modern toilet block, and a basketball court. With plenty of open grassy space, it’s the perfect spot to lay down a picnic blanket and enjoy a leisurely visit.

Galleon Park is truly a versatile and family-friendly destination, providing a mix of active play and relaxation in a beautifully shaded environment.

Images and information via Mrs Lardeedah and City of Gold Coast

Laguna Park, Palm Beach

The Laguna Park playground in Palm Beach is a great playground for ages 2+, check out the huge adventure playground, pirate ship, slides and rockers, a pedal power monorail, funny faces interactive boards and more. The entire playground is fenced, which is great for the little ones, and it also includes a Liberty Swing for children in wheelchairs. Much of the playground is shaded by sails, and there are toilets nearby. The playground is surrounded by a lovely lake and a walking trail. A great bonus is that Laguna Park is steps away from Third Base coffee!

Images via Mrs Lardeedah and information via City of Gold Coast

Bill Thomson Park, Elanora

Bill Thomson Park in Elanora has recently received an upgrade. Located next to Pine Lake, this medieval-themed playground has really brought the neighbourhood together like never before!

There are turrets and bridges connecting  to create one large castle. There’s a large flying fox, swings and some animals to rock on. This playground is more aimed at slightly older children, but agile toddlers can get around most of it as well. We would warn that the open layout of the castle, which is raised, may pose a falling risk for small children

In the same area, you will find basketball court, picnic shelter great for birthday parties and public toilets. Located a short walk around the lake is The Pines Shopping Centre, so you can grab everything you need for a picnic or just a coffee.

This playground is not fenced and steps away from the lake, so adult supervision is a must.

Imagery via Mrs Lardeedah and information from City of Gold Coast


Robert Neumann Park, Currumbin

The Robert Neumann Park is smaller than some of the other playgrounds we’ve listed, but that doesn’t mean it’s not fun!

This nature-based playground has two mega slides, a toddler slide, climbing opportunities and swings. Note it is not fenced and sits near a duck pond, so adult supervision is a must! However it does have shade sails, a picnic gazebo, and BBQ is available, as well there are toilets onsite and big open grassy spaces to run around.

Imagery via Outdoor Design Source and Mrs Lardeedah, information from Mrs Lardeedah and City of Gold Coast

Frascott Park Safari Playground, Varsity Lakes

Frascott Park has two playgrounds!

Accessed via Yodelay Street or Mattocks Road, the most popular section of the park is the Mattocks Road entrance safari-themed playground. Here you’ll find two play structures, one for the bigger kids and one for the toddlers. A huge slide and flying fox are keen favourites, while little ones will love driving the safari jeep.

The second playground is located by Yodelay Street and is well suited for younger children. There is lots of natural shade, and easy climbing opportunities on the playground. The playground includes bridges, a slide, merry-go-round, swing set and spider net. A newer addition is the adult gym that sits between the two playgrounds, and of course there’s two well-loved dog runs, one for large dogs and one for small-medium dogs.

Information via City of Gold Coast, and imagery thanks to Mrs Lardeedah

Ronnie Long Park, Tallebudgera

The Ronnie Long Park is a great set of two playgrounds between the Tallebudgera Surf Club and the beach. With one playground suited toward slightly bigger children, it’s partially fenced, has a big climbing tower, large nest swing, spinning frame, and rockers. This area is shaded and has a rubber floor, while the second playground is more suited to toddlers. There’s a slide, two swings and a plane to climb in and on. This area is also shaded with a sand floor. Behind the playground is the surf club’s cafe for parents. There are toilets and BBQs nearby. Just beware, because the playgrounds are steps away from Tallebudgera Creek, parking can be a challenge on nice days.

Information and imagery via Brisbane Kids

Deodar Park, Burleigh Waters

Deodar Park is home to a total of seven slides, including a mega slide (which of course means mega fun!). Partly covered by shade sails, this small but mighty playground has elements suitable for a range of ages. Here you will find climbing opportunities, a flying fox, interactive panels, swings, a seesaw, balance rope and tunnels.

Alongside the playground is a fenced BMX pump track, suited to confident young riders. There is also a concrete basketball court and a large grassed area that allows for dogs off-leash.

There’s also a drinking fountain, picnic shelter, picnic tables. Note, there aren’t toilets located near the playground.

Images via Best Gold Coast Parks 4 Kids, information from City of Gold Coast

Broadwater Parklands

The Broadwater Parklands playground is one of the most beloved play areas on the Gold Coast with several fun areas for children to explore, and recently got a $5M upgrade with a new spiral tower over four levels, with interactive play equipment like a glockenspiel, binoculars, telescopes, suspended nets, rope tunnels and an enclosed slide.

There’s also a water and sand play area with carved sandstone, bronze sea animals, water pumps, mini weirs and water gates, an elevated sand table designed as a ‘fish and chip shop’ that can accommodate wheelchairs

Play equipment including play panels, swings, slides, trampolines, diggers, stepping stones, balance beams, a carousel, climbing walls, and climbing nets

And that’s just the upgrades. Further down the park, there’s also the huge fenced bouncy pillow, as well as a popular monorail track that circles the perimeter of the playground. There’s also a zip line that runs along one side. There is also an unsheltered sand-based playground with swings, slides, and climbing equipment. A jumping pillow, seesaws, and other bouncing play equipment provide lots of play opportunities for kids of all ages.

The Rockpools water play is a sculptural water playground. The water play area is designed with cool water fountains and vibrant marine-themed equipment. It includes a creek bed and several tidal rock pools for children to splash in and explore.

The playground features a liberty swing for all abilities. There are four electric BBQs near the main playground area, and several covered table areas near the main playground, plus shady trees and umbrellas in random places on the large lawn area closest to the café. There are several toilet blocks throughout the park, including accessible toilets. There’s lots of paid parking, but know it’s well-patrolled by Gold Coast City Council.

Information via Mrs Lardeedah, imagery via Trip Advisor and artist impression shared on the Gold Coast Bulletin

All Abilities Playground at Kurrawa Pratten Park

While not new, the Kurrawa playground remains a favourite for children of all ages and abilities, offering a variety of play equipment and opportunities for fun and imagination across its three distinct play zones.

Children can engage in sand play, fly down the flying foxes, swing on both traditional and Liberty Swings, slide down various slides, spin on spinners, climb on the equipment, and participate in imaginary play—all within the safety of a fenced playground. Its enclosed nature makes it a popular venue for Gold Coast kids’ parties.

As an added bonus, the playground is conveniently located next to the Kurrawa Surf Club and beach, allowing families to easily transition from playground fun to beach activities.

Playground Features:

  • Fully fenced for safety
  • Flying foxes
  • Traditional and Liberty Swings
  • Slides
  • Spinners
  • Climbing equipment
  • Sand play areas
  • Proximity to the beach
  • Nearby BBQs and picnic tables
  • Accessible toilets

This playground offers a blend of active and imaginative play, making it an ideal spot for family outings and celebrations.

Information via Brisbane Kids and Mrs Lardeedah, imagery also from the latter

Holly Brooke Carter Playground (Bob Huth Park)

Do you have a dinosaur lover in your family? Then Holly Brooke Carter playground is the place to be! Located in Ashmore, the playground caters for a range of ages, with both a big and small playground at Bob Huth Park. The big playground is 3-storeys high and has two slides, and there’s a fun swinging bridge for children to climb across and plenty of high climbing opportunities too. The small playground has steps that toddlers can crawl or climb up without fear of falling off. There is also a small slide to tackle, and a few interactive panels.

Other elements in the playground include the infamous dinosaur, which survived recent renovations to the playground, to climb, a see saw and a dinosaur rocker, swings and a spinning swing too. The playground is mostly covered by shade sails, and the parkland has plenty of open green spaces with shade trees. There are picnic shelters, but no toilets or BBQs.

Imagery and information thanks to Mrs Lardeedah

Emerald Lakes Parklands, Carrara

Check out Emerald Lakes in Carrara! The play structure revolves around a central ramp, making it accessible for everyone! Children can climb, explore, and slide their way through the play area, with additional slides, climbing webs, interactive panels, swings, a spinner, and a see-saw for endless fun.

Safety is a top priority, as the playground is fully fenced with only one entry and exit point. Shade sails and trees offer protection from the sun, ensuring a comfortable play experience. While heavy rains can make the surrounding parklands wet, the elevated design of the playground keeps it dry.

Conveniently located within walking distance to the French Quarter, it’s the perfect spot to play while parents enjoy a cup of coffee. Please note, there are no toilets or picnic facilities. Off street parking available. There is a bike path and walking track around the lake.

Images thanks to Mrs Lardeedah and City of Gold Coast. 

Codrington Park, Pacific Pines

Codrington Park in Pacific Pines is a fantastic neighbourhood playground designed to entertain children of all ages!

This playground is perfect for climbing enthusiasts, featuring an array of climbing structures and bridges, plus the tried and true fan-favourite flying fox that will be a hit with everyone.

For the younger children, there’s plenty to enjoy as well. The playground includes a swing set, slide, mini pirate ship, and sand play fort, all spread out over a safe sand and soft fall play area. Toddlers seem to especially love running over the boardwalks and exploring under the bridges!

While the playground utilises natural shade, there are no shade sails, which we think is a shame. Additionally, there are picnic shelters and BBQ areas, perfect for taking a break or watching the children play.

Codrington Park is a great spot for a fun and active day out, offering something for every age group. Don’t forget to bring some water and sun protection to enjoy your visit fully! Be warned, especially to parents of toilet-training little ones, there are no toilets.

Images  and information thanks to Mrs Lardeedah 

Northern Gold Coast

Bim’bimba Park, Pimpama

The Bim’bimba playground is an award-winning park with a large outdoor amphitheatre, toddler play space, playground, teen hangout, and basketball court, which are all connected by a series of entwining paths perfect for bike and scooter riding. There’s also the metal music gong, the animal sculptures, and a spinning wheel. Everything is spread out at this park, with lots of little spaces for different types of play. The park really encourages exploration and the use of imagination.

It’s a climbing-focused park, so better suited to children ages 4+. There is a toddler area separate to the big structures.

The park is partially shaded by shade sails. There are also toilets and baby change facilities, as well as picnic shelters and BBQs on site and onsite parking for 50 cars, otherwise street parking available.

Information via Brisbane Kids, photos thanks to Mrs Lardeedah

Sickle Park, Hope Island

Sickle Park at Hope Island has been recently upgraded and boasts two fantastic playgrounds!

The larger playground features an impressive mega slide, a spinning climbing ball, and a smaller play structure with an open slide. There’s also a flying fox, ideal for older children but equally enjoyable for the little ones with adult help, as it requires climbing a short ladder to reach the seat.

The second playground, decked out in blue, has a 12m long net tunnel for climbing! It also includes a smaller play structure suited for younger children, plus a spinner, swings, and various balancing elements.

Due to its location on the canal, close supervision is essential. However, there is a spacious grassy field on the opposite side of the playground where children can run, kick a ball, or play other sports. The playground offers several shaded seating areas, a picnic shelter with BBQs by the water, and public toilets nearby at the Tennis Club.

Imagery and information with thanks to Mrs Lardeedah  and City of Gold Coast.

Eagle Tree Park, Coomera Foreshore

Eagle Tree Park at Foreshore Coomera is one of the newest playgrounds on the Northern Gold Coast. The park caters comfortably for all ages and provides a range of experiences for all ability levels.

Centred around a ‘bird’s nest’ structure, the playground includes:

  • A standalone toddler play space
  • A small basketball court
  • A swing set
  • Flat pathways for bike and scooter riding
  • A picnic shelter with BBQ
  • A toilet block

This playground is perfect for those who love to climb with a bunch of slides and bridges. There’s also a sandpit containing hidden shells and diggers, and a playhouse with interactive game and music features. There are also several small slides throughout the park.

The bike paths link to Foreshore Jetty Park, which incorporates a launch pontoon for kayaks and a riverside setting ideal for family get-togethers and barbecues.

On-site amenities include:

  • BBQs
  • Shade sails
  • Toilets
  • Water fountain

The area is accessible for prams, wheelchairs, bikes, and scooters, making it a versatile and family-friendly destination.

Information and imagery via Mrs Lardeedah and City of Gold Coast

Tallowwood Park, Upper Coomera

Tallowwood Park is a fantastic spot featuring a large open green space dotted with shady trees, a beautiful lake with ducks, an adrenaline-packed bike track, and a fenced playground – it has everything you could ask for!

Pack the bikes and scooters and start with a walk along the lake. You can do a complete lap of the lake or follow the length along the path if a full loop is too much for little legs. Then, head over to the playground area, where you’ll find picnic tables, BBQs, a nearby toilet block, a bike track, and the playground.

Children love racing around the bike track, taking on the twists, turns, and hills. Set up a picnic blanket and enjoy a morning tea break between rides. When they’re done with the bikes, it’s time for the playground. The playground is fully fenced, but be mindful of bigger children or adventurous toddlers who might try to climb the rock wall section.

Tallowwood Park offers a perfect mix of activities and facilities for a fun day out! And parents don’t worry, Cafe Two Coomera is not far away!

Images and information via Mrs Lardeedah and City of Gold Coast

Parklake Park, Maudsland

The Parklake Park playground is a child’s dream! It has six different playground play spaces and a large park to explore, with a giant brightly-coloured two-level treehouse fort with two slides, several sets of swings including a nest swing, rockers, and see-saws, flying fox, suspended rope bridge, a play car, climbing dome turtle and drums!

There’s also shade sails or large established trees that provide shade over the majority of playground play space, a large sporting field, wide walking paths, one gazebo and several BBQ picnic shelters scattered throughout park, a basketball court, on-site public toilets and an off-street carpark.

Imagery and information via City of Gold Coast and Mrs Lardeedah 

Gibirrngaan Park (Black Snake Park), Maudsland

Gibirrngaan Park/Cloverside Park is a unique one! It’s centred around a huge black snake statue. There is play equipment for both young and old with a toddler cubby and slide, as well as a giant rope-climbing tower and enclosed slide for the bigger kids. There’s even a fun sandbox to dig for dinosaur fossils!

There are no toilets or cafes nearby so be prepared. There are several shaded picnic tables for snack breaks.

Imagery and information via City of Gold Coast 

Lion's Park, Helensvale

Lion’s Park at Helensvale is a huge playground that caters for everyone, especially the climbers, as the only way to the fort is by climbing nets!
The main fort is pirate-themed and features a lookout, a large fort, net bridges, monkey bars, a mega slide, a parkour gym and heaps more!
For toddlers and little ones, there is a smaller playground featuring a mini fort, slide, rocker, see-saw and stepping stones.

Within close proximity are:

  • Barbecues
  • Toilets including a wheelchair-accessible toilet
  • Drinking fountain
  • Picnic shelter
  • Picnic tables

Images and information with thanks to Mrs Lardeedah and City of Gold Coast

Buckler Park, The Surrounds Helensvale

The Surrounds at Helensvale boasts an innovative playground designed for children to embark on a tactile and sensory journey. It offers numerous play elements, encouraging safe risk-taking and physical and mental challenges. The standout feature for older children is a large, double climbing cube structure, with slides accessible via climbing points and rope nets, ideal for those who love a challenge. Meanwhile, trampolines, a rope swing, and a flying fox provide ample fun for all.

A separate, smaller playground caters to younger children or those less confident in climbing, featuring slides, a ride-on jeep, and a see-saw. Additionally, a sand and water play area promises heaps of messy fun.

Perfect for birthday celebrations, the site includes a large picnic shelter with BBQs, tables, and bench seats, all under shade sails for comfort. To avoid the heat, early morning or late afternoon visits are recommended. Conveniently, a café and toilets are nearby at the community centre, making it an ideal spot for families.

Images and information thanks to City of Gold Coast

Celadon Park, Helensvale Surrounds

Celadon Park, located in the Helensvale Surrounds estate, is a fantastic play space designed for children aged 0-5 years. This playground offers endless opportunities for imaginative play, deviating from traditional play equipment and fostering creative exploration.

 The park is designed without traditional play structures, encouraging children to engage in creative and imaginative activities.

Surrounding the playground is an interactive bike track, perfect for children of all ages to learn how to ride a bike. It includes traffic signs, a petrol station for refuelling, a fire station for imaginative play, and a small pump track for those seeking a challenge. Don’t forget to bring your bikes or scooters!

 The playground is covered by shade sails, providing protection from the sun, while the bike track is not shaded.

There are no toilet facilities or BBQs at the park. However, picnic tables, rubbish bins, and a water fountain are available for convenience.

Celadon Park is a wonderful destination for young children to explore and play creatively, making it a great spot for a family visit.

Images and information thanks to City of Gold Coast and Mrs Lardeedah

Discovery Park, Helensvale

Celadon Park in the Helensvale Surrounds estate is an excellent play space for children aged 0-5 years, offering endless opportunities for imaginative play. Unlike traditional playgrounds, this one encourages creative exploration without standard play equipment pieces.

The playground is surrounded by an interactive bike track designed to help children of all ages learn how to ride. It features traffic signs, a petrol station for refuelling, a fire station for imaginative play, and a small pump track component for children seeking a challenge. Remember to bring bikes or scooters for this visit!

The playground is covered by shade sails, providing protection from the sun, though the bike track is not shaded. While there are no toilet facilities or BBQs, picnic tables, rubbish bins, and a water fountain are available for convenience.

The popular Helensvale Park, upgraded in early 2024 and relocated further into the parklands behind the Tennis Club, is now fully fenced. It caters to various ages with different climbing structures, including two play towers with a bridge, a small ninja climbing structure, a swing set, and a spinner, offering plenty of engaging play opportunities.

Accessing the playground involves a bit of a walk. 

Toilets are available at Discovery Park, near the skate park. The playground benefits from natural shade provided by the trees, but there are no shade sails.

Information and imagery with thanks to Mrs Lardeedah

Country Paradise Parklands, Nerang

The centrepiece of the adventure playground at the Country Paradise Parklands is the 11.5m windmill with mega slide, accessed via a water-tank tunnel and swing bridge. Wrapping around the entire playground space is a creek bed with water play elements. There are toddler and primary schooler play spaces, as well as the central playground for everyone to enjoy. The water play area features water pumps, troughs and ramps, encouraging the kids to build natural channels for the water to flow.

This area includes BBQs, toilets including accessible ones, a drinking fountain, picnic shelter and picnic tables.

Just beware, we’ve heard magpies can get nasty during mating season.

Images and information thanks to City of Gold Coast

The Backyard, Coomera Westfield

An unexpected gem at a shopping centre! The Backyard at Coomera Westfield offers a lot for children of all ages!

There’s an age one – four years play zone: a ‘fallen log’ immersive sensory zone entertaining children with tactile, auditory and visual experiences. The fallen log includes cubby and hiding spaces, sound tubes, a playful tunnel experience and slippery slide.

Then there’s an ages four – eight years play zone: a fun-filled obstacle course providing imaginative and adventure play. The space includes numerous balance and climbing experiences, trampolines, swings and a spiral slide.

On hot days check out the water play area, which features ankle to knee-deep water, children can pump the water pumps, dodge squirting frogs, spin water wheels and explore the winding streams of water. The Backyard features big shade sails and grassy banks, and has deck chairs for the adults. There are change rooms are right beside the water area, plus toilets and BBQs. The Backyard is also conveniently located right next to the shopping centre’s fresh food Marketplace!

Images and information from defunct site Boobobutt.com.au

Green Grove Park, Pimpama

Forest Green Park in Gainsborough Greens (Pimpama) isn’t the biggest playground in the area, but the playground’s interpretive and educational play experience is why it received an Award of Excellence – Play Spaces at the 2019 Queensland Landscape Architecture Awards in recognition of the playground’s elements of exploration, discovery, role play, balance, climbing, storytelling, exhilaration, and social interaction.

Children will enjoy this award-winning adventure playground with its eight-metre-high hill slide, timber log play forts, sandstone block stair climb, and sand play at the base. The playground also includes a reclaimed fallen tree for climbing over as well as big sandstone boulders and climbing structures. The area is connected by pathways and dry creek beds.

Note, there are no toilet or BBQ facilities available.

Imagery and information with thanks to City of Gold Coast and Mrs Lardeedah

Aquila Park, Pimpama

Aquila Park’s playground is a haven of fun, featuring a fantastic water play area with dynamic spouts and pumps, an impressive slide tower, a spinner, and various climbing and balancing equipment. Designed to keep children engaged for hours, the playground is divided into four zones, each offering activities suited to different ages and skill levels. The layout ensures all areas are visible from the surrounding seating, making it a hit with parents too.

Additional features include a small bike path around the playground, perfect for scooters or bike learners, and a dry creek bed for exploration. With a toilet block, BBQ, and picnic tables on site, Aquila Park promises a fun outing for families.

Imagery and information thanks to Vee Design and City of Gold Coast

Hilltop Park, Ormeau

An oldie but a goodie! Hilltop Park is split into two areas to play, one in which you’ll find a shady toddler play area with a car, climbing frame and mini playground with slide and swing in one area.

The main playground space is better suited for bigger children, with a larger playground and slide, large climbing net, balance beams, spinners and a swing set. Little ones can also climb the ramp up to the old water tower, which has been converted into a play structure.

Toilets, a BBQ , water bubbler and picnic shelter are right beside the playground, with additional shady seating all through the park.

Imagery and information thanks to Mrs Lardeedah and now defunct site boobobutt.com.au


Thornlands Community Park, Thornlands

Thornlands Community Park is a nature-themed playground that includes multiple nature-inspired installments. Children will be able to spot plenty of fun larger-than-life vegetables scattered around the playground too!

The park features a ‘dinosaur dig’ area where kids can uncover a large dinosaur fossil buried in a sandy pit, with excavation tools included. Alongside this is a large sandpit with diggers and the area is rimmed with large stone and wood stepping stones.

you will find a huge, three-towered climbing structure which features two giant enclosed slides, climbing nets, enclosed netted walkways and even a pirate ship crows nest.

It has large climbing mounds covered in soft matting and a delightful little farmers market cottage with slide. It has a slide, outdoor dining area and a couple of little spots to set up in.

The playground also features a two-person flying fox, ninja warrior-like climbing course, swings and includes sensory and all-abilities play too!

The park features accessible toilets, is partially shaded by shade sails, BBQs, picnic shelters with tables and benches.

Images and information with thanks to Brisbane Kids, Proludic Australia and Must-Do Brisbane 

Jingeri Park, Shoreline, Redland Bay

The Jingeri Park playground has been designed with climbing and sliding in mind with several options offered to scale the elevated playgrounds with two slides to come back down!
The playground at Jingeri Park was created in partnership with the traditional owners of the land. The structures within the playground have been designed to embody the local landmarks, including an 8.5m lighthouse and a jetty.
The park also has a picnic area and shaded areas to enjoy some lunch or a coffee whilst the children play.
Jingeri Park also showcases native flora, including three fig trees being relocated from the Shoreline site, chosen for their ties to First Nations culture and local plant species.

Information from Brisbane Kids, photos from Vee Design

Mount Cotton Community Park, Redlands

Mount Cotton Community Park has a wonderful mix of slides, tunnels, monkey bars, balance beams, and a challenging climbing web. The main play structure has several ideal look-out posts and a bridge that invokes fantasy games of houses and ships. There’s a great toddler section too, with its own mini fort featuring low-set stairs and slides, plus musical instruments, a sand activity table, and a large plastic igloo. Both playgrounds are covered by a shade sail and surrounded by sand.

Other features include a flying fox, a basketball court, skate park, off-leash dog area and lots of green space. The parkland also has wheelchair-accessible toilets, electric BBQs, covered picnic tables, and a network of wide concrete paths.

Photos and information thanks to Must-Do Brisbane

Capalaba Regional Park, Capalaba

Capalaba Regional Park is a great all abilities playground, with a giant terraced playground for children of all ages, in which they can clamber, swing, wander, wheel, and interact with sensory installations. The climbing webs, a fortress, flying fox, built-in slides, a sandpit, and totem pole maze are supported by sensory equipment such as steel drums and an audio spinning wheel.

The playground is overlooked by BBQ and picnic pavilions and with wheelchair-accessible paths winding throughout. There’s also covered areas and accessible toilets nearby.

The park also boasts a spacious dog off-leash area, lily ponds, and a number of paths for walking or cycling.

Images and information via Must-Do BrisbaneRedland City Council 

O'Gorman Street Park, Alexandra Hills

O’Gorman Street Park received a high commendation in the recent Queensland Parks and Leisure Conference Awards of Excellence for its ‘outstanding and innovative upgrade’ just a few years ago.

The park offers swings for babies and children, musical play, a basketball court, slides, climbing ropes, and plenty of things to climb and jump over.

The accessible park also has drinking fountains, BBQs, public toilets and plenty of shade and picnic shelters.

Images and information thanks to Redland City CouncilTLCCRedland City Bulletin

Our Top Logan Playgrounds

Logan Village Green playground

This fantastic playground boasts a bird’s nest lookout, multiple slides, trampolines, a flying fox, totem poles with ropes, a dry creek bed, and a variety of swings catering to all ages and abilities.

The standout feature is the mega slide, which includes a fun and impressive climb up logs and net tunnels, passing through several platforms, some designed to resemble a birdhouse and a bird’s nest. There’s also a mini slide off the bottom platform.

The playground also includes a balancing obstacle section with natural stumps, logs, and ropes to test visitors’ balance. The shaded soft play area has multiple swings suitable for visitors of different abilities.

Additionally, there are three inground trampoline pads and a ground-level roundabout that is fun for all visitors and accessible for people in wheelchairs.

The area is well-equipped with covered picnic tables, park benches, sandstone blocks for seating, barbecues, accessible toilets, and a nearby skate park. Wide cement paths make it easy to navigate.

Information and imagery via Brisbane KidsTLCC,

Eridani Park, Logan

Located in Logan is Eridani Park! This park and playground have just had an exciting new upgrade, featuring a brand new nature play area!

This recreational space features a wide, rocky creek bed with water pumps! There are multiple opportunities for crossing the creek bed, including bridges, logs and sandstone structures. This new space is perfect for children of all ages to enhance gross motor skills and coordination.
New additions to the playground include a spinning carousel, a new set of swings including a nest swing and a flying fox!

There’s also accessible toilets, a BBQ area, basketball court and a picnic area.

Images thanks to Go Duckling and information thanks to Brisbane Kids

Bellubera Park, Yarrabilba

Billubera Park boasts over 5.6 hectares of parkland, the park features two multi-level play towers, a 10-metre elevated ‘maze bridge’ walkway and a 4.5-metre tube slide! 

This playground also features a ninja warrior course for those little risk-takers, as well as a basketball court, nature play areas and two large ovals. This park also has toilet facilities and plenty of seating.

In the Yugambeh language billubera means ‘a clear sky or fine day’  this name was chosen as it represents the prospect of having clear, fine and sunny days at this family orientated parkland.  The language connects the site back to country and shares culture with the wider community. 

Images and information with thanks to Brisbane Kids 

Alexander Clark Park, Loganholme

Alexander Clark Park at Loganholme is brand new and full of fun activities for the family to enjoy! With its unique Australian animal theme and water play area, it’s the perfect spot for a weekend adventure!

The main playground features a large koala structure, providing climbing opportunities and a thrilling slide. The park also includes a bike path with two small pump tracks, a flying fox, swings, trampolines, a small slide, and a digger for added fun.

One standout feature is the engaging water play area! Children can enjoy a gentle spray of water from misters, water pumps, and a network of channels to direct water flow.

Additional amenities include toilets, shade sails, and picnic tables, making it a well-equipped destination for family outings.

Information and imagery thanks to Must-Do Brisbane and Brisbane Kids

Flagstone Adventure Park, Jimboomba

Located within the expansive 10-hectare Flagstone Regional Park, this adventure playground stands as one of the largest in South East Queensland, promising endless fun for children of all ages. The playground thoughtfully includes a dedicated toddler zone for younger children and those preferring to stay closer to the ground. This area boasts a low-level fort equipped with miniature firemen’s poles, tiny ladders, and slides of various heights. Little explorers can also navigate a caterpillar-themed climbing web or venture through a long tunnel that’s nestled into the ground.

For those bursting with energy, the playground offers a competition-standard skate plaza and a concrete half basketball court. There’s also a multi-purpose grass field outfitted with basketball hoops and soccer goalposts for sports enthusiasts.

The central playground section is well-shaded by sails and encircled by sandstone blocks, creating a comfortable spot for carers to relax while the children enjoy prolonged play sessions. Additional attractions within the playground include in-ground trampolines, bouncers, bike paths, merry-go-rounds, twin flying foxes, and eight swings. This selection features two all-abilities net swings and two swings for infants, ensuring enjoyment for all.

Right next to the Flagstone Adventure Park lies the equally impressive Flagstone Water Park, complete with a café for those looking to grab a coffee. There are public toilets, but no BBQs, and off-street parking.

Images and information with thanks to Must-Do Brisbane and Brisbane Kids

Our Top Ipswich Playgrounds

Faye Carr Park, Ripley

Check out Faye Carr Park in Ripley, a rocket ship-themed playground designed for the whole community. The standout feature is the impressive trio of red and green pods, which have become a landmark of the Ecco Ripley development since its opening in 2018. These custom-designed pods by Playscape Creations are a first for Australia, offering sensory delights like cogs, steering equipment, and rainbow spinning wheels, all connected by a bridge. The exterior is just as engaging with ladders, slides, staircases, and fireman poles for endless fun.

For younger children, there’s a separate toddler playground. The area also includes a five-person swing circle, a rotating net climber, a see-saw, and a double-track flying fox for inclusive play.

The park includes multipurpose fields for soccer, rugby, and basketball, as well as an outdoor workout zone. Picnic shelters and BBQs make it perfect for a family outing.

Over 20 developmental activities between the main and toddler playgrounds promote educational play in a fun outdoor setting. The park also emphasises social play with shared swing circles, rotating net climbers, and multi-track flying foxes, encouraging greater participation. The parklands are wheelchair and pram friendly, with accessible pathways connecting all areas. The seated playground equipment, including an adaptive swing, see-saw, and net climber, are designed for inclusivity.

Faye Carr Park features accessible toilets, is unfenced, and includes baby change table facilities. The playground is 50% covered by shade sails and has a rubber, bark chip, and sand base. It also offers an adaptive swing with harness, a learn-to-ride track, a basketball court, fitness equipment, an open kick-around area, a soccer/rugby field, BBQs, picnic shelters, and on-street parking.

Images and information with thanks to Brisbane Kids and Ipswich First

Orion Mega Playground, Springfield

 A multi-million dollar playground that is accessible and engaging for all ages is the incredible result of a consultation between locals and Orion Shopping Centre.

The main attraction is a vibrant activity centre with a tower reaching 11 metres high, accessible via internal ladders or a 16-metre Sky Walk bridge offering a birds-eye view of the playground below. Two enormous tunnel slides flank the tower, perfect for young thrill-seekers. Note that the play area is not fenced from the nearby car park, so close adult supervision is necessary.

For children who prefer to stay grounded, the playground features in-built trampolines, mountaineering ropes, and a large climbing net tunnel. A wheelchair-friendly merry-go-round promotes inclusive play.

The toddler area includes slides, stairs, a rock climbing wall, a fire pole, a colourful see-saw, and a cognitive play hut with educational activities. Swings are available for both independent children and those needing assistance. Most of the playground is covered by shade sails or roofing for sun protection.

Information and imagery via Ipswich First and Brisbane Kids

Redbank Plains Recreation Reserve Playground, Redbank Plains

Located just 15 minutes from Ipswich city, the recently upgraded Redbank Plains Recreation Reserve has become a popular community hub for gathering, playing, socialising, and relaxing.

The central playground features a 9-metre tall adventure tower made of cargo netting, platforms, and ladders, offering a vertical thrill for older children. Climbers can choose between a speedy tunnel slide and a twisty tube slide. The roped exterior allows for easy parental supervision.

The reserve also boasts a 20-metre high ropes course, challenging balance, strength, and coordination, with opportunities for adults to assist younger climbers. Additional features include a giant rotating bird’s nest swing, a multi-bay swing set, and sensory spinners.

A dedicated toddler playground caters to ages one to five with accessible platforms, ground-level activities, gentle slides, and imaginative play areas. Essentials such as swings, see-saws, bouncers, and an inclusive carousel are built on a soft base with ample shade sails. Nearby seating is available for supervision and picnics.

The reserve also includes a newly renovated skate park, suitable for skaters of all levels, adjacent to a large grassy field ideal for soccer, cricket, or kite flying.

Additional features:

  • BBQs
  • Car Parking
  • Dog Off Leash Area
  • Drinking Water
  • Gazebos/Rotunda/Shelters
  • Picnic Facilities/Seats/Benches
  • Power
  • Public Toilets
Imagery and information with thanks to Families Magazine and Brisbane Kids

Splash n' Play Adventure Park, Ripley

The  Splash ‘n’ Play Adventure Park is among the best of Ripley. Designed for all age groups, the park features towering sky cabins at 7.5 metres high, connected by enclosed rope bridges for safety. Children can exit the playground via a straight tubular slide, a twisted mega slide, or by climbing down netted ladders. This section is ideal for children over five, though confident younger climbers can also enjoy it.

The park also includes a flying fox, a small swing set, and toddler-friendly options in the neighbouring play area.

Directly across from the playground is a shaded, multi-age Splash ’n’ Play area with water fountains, movable sprayers, button-controlled jets, and waterfall arches. This area is divided into two sections, allowing smaller children to play safely away from the larger splash zone. The non-slip rubber base and ample seating enhance safety and supervision.

For families, the Forty West Café at the top of the adventure park serves delicious coffee and food daily.

  • Accessible toilets
  • Not fenced but set back from the road
  • Largely shaded playground and water play area
  • Zero-depth Splash ‘n’ Play area
  • Mixture of bark, artificial turf, and rubber base
  • Family-friendly café
  • Showers
  • Picnic shelters
  • BBQs
  • Open kick-around area
  • Ample on-site parking
Imagery and information via Must-Do Brisbane and Brisbane Kids

Sunshine Park, Bellevue Ripley

Check out the Sunshine Park playground, with its massive tower standing at eight metres tall with three levels, it invites children to come and play. Inspired by the towering trees and creeping vines of a rainforest, the structure is both impressive and engaging.

Children can access the different levels through vertical climbing tunnels, ball pommels, and nets. The internal decks are inclined to provide an extra challenge. Once at the top, the 4.5-metre tunnel slide  is a super fun way to get children back down again.

In the junior play area, there is a cubby-style fort with interactive elements decorating the walls. A small slide is easily accessible for little ones using stable stepping platforms.

 Sunshine Park features a basketball half-court, a handball court and broad field. There’s also a small pump track fun for riders.


  • 8-metre tall central tower with three levels
  • Vertical climbing tunnels, ball pommels, and nets
  • 4.5-metre tunnel slide
  • Junior play area with cubby-style fort and interactive elements
  • Basketball half-court, handball court, and kickabout area
  • Small pump track
  • No public toilets

Sunshine Park is an engaging and versatile playground, offering a variety of activities for children of all ages.

Images and information with thanks to Playscape CreationsBrisbane Kids

Tucker Family Park, Bellbird Park

Tucker Family Park is one of the best parks in Ipswich for children of all ages and abilities, set in a beautiful, nature-filled environment. This park offers a range of exciting features. The giant cube tower, an impressive 11-metre structure with an 18-metre steel slide, provides plenty of thrills. For younger children, there’s a smaller slide from the second level of the cube and a dedicated play fort. Sports facilities include a large sporting field with goal posts and a fenced multi-purpose court for basketball and other games. Concrete pathways lead around the park, through the trees, and to a dog off-leash park and a separate puppy park, connecting several local communities with hectares of green space.

The playground boasts a fort with a mini climbing wall and rope bridge, a cube tower with a giant tube slide, musical bar chimes, a rocker and roundabout, and climbing nets. Sports enthusiasts will appreciate the sports field and multi-purpose sports court, gym equipment, and bike and walking paths. Picnic tables and shelters are also available, making Tucker Family Park perfect for those looking to immerse themselves in nature while enjoying a variety of activities. Whether it’s exploring the extensive playground, participating in sports, or simply taking a peaceful walk, this park has something for everyone.

Images and information via Brisbane Kids

Whiterock Adventure Playground and Splash Pad, Ripley Valley

Whiterock Adventure Playground and Splash Pad in Ripley Valley is quickly becoming a top summer destination. 

The ‘play curl’ is over 16 metres long and can accommodate up to 40 children at a time with its mixture of net climbs, rock climbing holds, rubber ramps, balancing ropes, and suspended resting areas. This area is best suited for children aged 5 to 12, though confident younger climbers can also enjoy it.

Directly across from the playground is a mostly shaded, zero-depth Splash ’n’ Play area. It features water fountains, movable sprayers, button-controlled jets, and waterfall arches. Smaller children can safely enjoy water play away from the larger splash zone. The area has a non-slip rubber base for safety and ample seating for supervision.

Rounding out the play space are other playground favourites, including an embankment slide, swings, a seesaw, and an accessible carousel. The parklands are also equipped with full picnic amenities, making it an excellent choice for birthday parties and family gatherings.

Whiterock Adventure Playground is located on even terrain with connecting paths, making it easy to navigate with prams. The ground-level carousel spinner is designed for inclusive play. Disabled toilets and a baby change room are available on site.

Additional features include accessible toilets, mostly shaded areas, a wheelchair-accessible carousel, a short bike and scooter track, picnic shelters, electric BBQs, bench seating, a kick-around area, and ample on and off-street parking.

Whiterock Adventure Playground is perfect for families seeking fun and adventure, with diverse activities for children of all ages.

Images and information thanks to Brisbane Kids

Our Top Brisbane Playgrounds

Baldwin Lawn Playground, Botanic Gardens, Brisbane

A visit to the Botanical Gardens is a must when you’re in Brisbane, but have you been to the Brisbane City Botanic Gardens playground? This play space has been designed to host a range of sensory play, musical activities, imaginative and physical play.

There are climbing objects for little ones and tall musical chimes. There’s also spinning hand objects, clear shapes to look through, and a sand play area with little diggers to sit and dig in the sand. This Brisbane playground features all the standard equipment, including multiple one and two-person see-saws and spinning seats, a four swing set, including one baby swing and one for all abilities.

Located nearby are public toilets, it is partially shaded but not fenced.

Images and information thanks to Go DucklingBrisbane City Council 

Archerfield Wetlands District Park, South West Brisbane

Archerfield Wetlands District Park is located in Brisbane’s south-west, approximately 12 kilometres from Brisbane’s Central Business District (CBD) and got a huge upgrade in 2024. This incredible 12-metre playspace includes a huge water play area (a nod to its history as a water treatment plant) which includes misting sprays, water pumps, a 13-metre slide, tunnels, bridges, rockers and a plethora of climbing opportunities! 

The entire park got a $22-million upgrade, including the Archerfield Wetlands Discovery Trail, a walking and cycling path that stretches over three kilometres. Around 67,000 new native trees and plants were planted across the parkland to provide more shade, cool the area and create new habitat for local wildlife. Across the whole setup, there’s eucalypt forests, open grassland, freshwater wetlands and creeks.

Images and information thanks to Brisbane City Council and Brisbane Kids.

Kalinga Park Playground, Clayfield

Kalinga Park Playground offers some fun timber forts, resembling trees houses, which are adorned with many opportunities to climb – nets, poles, bars, ladders, steps and a climbing wall. This Brisbane playground is suitable for children of all ages, with a separate structure, slide and swings designed for the younger children.

There’s a mini traffic track, adjacent to the playground, can be utilised to develop road safety awareness and riding skills.

The park also offers accessible toilet facilities, electric BBQs, picnic tables both sheltered and unsheltered, water fountains, walking and cycle paths and a fenced, off-leash dog area. Note the playground is not fenced.

Imagery and information with thanks to Brisbane Family Explorers (defunct) and Brisbane Kids

Lower Moora Park, Shorncliffe

The Lower Moora Park seaside playground offers fantastic forts, slides and wooden carvings. Confident climbers will enjoy exploring the many levels of the playground

There is also a separate fort perfect for toddlers, which includes a slide and a place to express themselves musically via the instruments. Toddlers can also amuse themselves under the main playground in the play area underneath the fort or get busy in the sand area, where there is plenty of space for digging. They can also play on the colourful animal structures and spring rockers.

Note this park is near water and unfenced, but does offer shade sails and large trees, a variety of seating options surrounding the playground, water fountain, shaded picnic tables, BBQs, and accessible toilets.

Photos and information via Brisbane Kids

Bray Farm Park, Griffin

Commonly known as the ‘Harry Potter’ park in Griffin, north of Brisbane, this destination blends art, culture, nature, and fun for the entire family.

Discover two whimsical ‘cottage style’ play structures, a climbing sphere, slides, swings, and charming bridges. With a magical forest backdrop, plenty of park benches, winding paths, and a large grassy area for games, this park is sure to be a fun day out for all!

Parents take note, there aren’t toilets, the park isn’t fenced and it’s close to a road, so keep an eye on your youngsters while they play!

Information and images with thanks to Brisbane Kids

Hidden World Playground, Fitzgibbon

Hidden World Playground is a wonderful north Brisbane playground with a series of interconnected rainbow-coloured ‘houses’ built on sand and is ideally suited to toddlers and preschoolers. Besides clambering through the houses, there are plenty of other fun activities including the sandpits surrounding, as well as an in-ground lawn maze.

Hidden World has a whole back story that you can find here!

The playground is not fenced, but it’s not close to the road. It offers accessible toilets including a baby change table
There are no shade sails over play equipment, but in the general area there are. There are water fountains, four shaded picnic areas and electric BBQs.

Photos and information thanks to Must-Do Brisbane and Brisbane Kids

Rocks Riverside Park, Seventeen Mile Rocks

The popular Rocks Riverside Park offers a whole day of fun for families!

There are two playgrounds, each aimed at differing age groups. There is a giant fort aimed at bigger children, with so many climbing and exploring options. The fort is mostly covered, so lots of shade, with additional shade sails nearby. There is also a flying fox, giant climbing net, swings, bike paths, exploration paths, and even a half basketball court. The playground for younger children is fully fenced with two smaller forts. There’s also a sandpit is also within the fenced area, with a sand table and push-button water tap to help with the sand creations. Toddler swings, bouncers, and safari car seat all add to the fun to be had here.

This Brisbane playground also makes for a great summer stop, with a water play and splash zone. Children can play in the shallow water, run in and out of the fountains, relax in the man-made rock pools and more. There are multiple shade sails covering most of the water play area.

There are accessible toilet facilities, a soft-fall ground cover, BBQ and covered picnic areas.

Imagery and information thanks to Brisbane KidsProludic Australia and Families Magazine

Thrush Street Park, Inala

Thrush Street Park in Inala is a great suburban oasis that’s a must-visit for families in Brisbane! This park is fun for children of all ages, boasting an array of playful attractions. A standout feature is the misting forest, complete with interactive water sprayers, which is a crowd-pleaser during the warmer seasons.

Despite its compact size, Thrush Street Park’s playground is densely packed with engaging elements. Notable attractions include a sizable climbing structure with two thrilling slides, an extended flying fox, swings, and a merry-go-round, ensuring endless entertainment for little visitors.

The playground also houses an exciting water play area, highlighted by a hand-operated water pump that feeds into a creek leading towards the misting forest. Here, towering tree-like structures equipped with buttons unleash a refreshing shower from their branches, offering a delightful escape from the heat. It’s a good idea to bring along a change of clothes, swimwear, and towels, especially on hot days, to fully enjoy the water features. However, it’s important to note the absence of public toilets at the park, so plan your visit accordingly.

Accessibility is thoughtfully considered at Thrush Street Park. The merry-go-round is flush with the surrounding soft fall area, facilitating access for visitors with wheelchairs and other mobility devices. Additionally, interactive panels and musical features are conveniently located on this accessible surface. Wide concrete pathways meander through the playground, with one leading directly to the water play area and misting forest, both set over a sturdy concrete base.

Parking is available in an off-street lot with a gravel surface, but be prepared for a brief walk over uneven grass to reach the playground from the car park. Thrush Street Park is indeed packed with features that cater to a wide range of interests and needs, making it a fantastic destination for a family day out.

Imagery and information thanks to Brisbane Kids

Colmslie Beach Reserve, Murarrie

Colmslie Beach Reserve, nestled along the Brisbane River, offers everything for a perfect day out. With attractions including flying foxes, slides, climbable large sculptures of sea creatures, interactive water play, and scenic picnic areas, plus a new scooter/bike track, it’s a haven for families.

This park is a paradise for children, featuring a playground with unique sculptures like a fish, octopus, crab, and submarine, designed to enhance gross motor skills. Interactive buttons activate water features for extra fun. The playground also offers a variety of activities including a dry creek bed for imaginative play, a balancing bridge, slides, a musical boat, and a flying fox.

The reserve is well-equipped for picnics and outdoor activities, with ample seating, connected pathways, and abundant shade. A highlight is the scooter/bike track complete with a maintenance pit stop, making it feel like a real road adventure with its speed bumps and road signs.

Accessible toilets are conveniently located within the playground area, which is semi-fenced for safety. The larger park area is open, inviting visitors to explore the boardwalk for stunning views of the Gateway Bridge and the Brisbane River.

Colmslie Beach Reserve encourages imaginative play, whether pretending to be a sea captain or a pirate. The playground’s design and facilities, including a partially fenced play area, accessible toilets, shaded play equipment, and ample green spaces, make it an ideal spot for family outings.

Images and information via Brisbane Kids

Wynnum Whale Park, Whynnum

Wynnum Whale Park is a hit with young families, featuring a unique whale pod water spray area on soft rubber matting to prevent slips. Children love climbing and jumping off water-spouting whale sculptures, with intermittent water bursts adding to the excitement. The area includes a large tipping bucket and a smaller water feature for younger children, ideal for leaf races along miniature streams.

Adjacent to this water play zone is a spacious nautical-themed playground, offering climbing structures, slides, swings, and imaginative play areas like a shop and boat. Situated near Wynnum Jetty and Pandanus Beach, it’s perfect for a calm beach day. The area also boasts bike paths and walkways along the waterfront, ideal for a family ride or stroll. Nearby fish and chip cafes provide convenient dining options.

There’s also the Wynnum Wading Pool nearby. The oceanic theme encourages imaginative play, with children pretending to be mermaids or pirates, while the anticipation of which whale will spray water next adds to the fun.

The park is accessible, with wheelchair-friendly toilets and shaded areas for setting up a day camp. Unsheltered water park sections, small gazebos, picnic tables, and well-maintained BBQs make it comfortable for families. Shops and cafes are easily reachable for refreshments, with convenient parking and public transport options nearby.

Wynnum Whale Park’s features include an unfenced playground with sand and rubber surfaces, accessible toilets, a wading pool, seasonal water play, ocean-themed play structures, climbing nets, slides, swings, and bike and walking paths. Sheltered picnic spots, BBQs, and the sight of soldier crabs at low tide enrich the visit.

Images and information via Brisbane Kids

Riverside Green Playground, Southbank

A visit to the Southbank isn’t complete (at least for children) without a stop to the Riverside Green Playground!

The two-level playground has an adventure zone up top, and the lower level features interactive equipment. The 7.5 metre high structure has sky cabin towers interconnected by a series of rope bridges and connecting slides.

For the smaller ones, there’s a dedicated toddler area on the upper terrace level with an all-inclusive area pirate ship-themed toddler zone with undercover areas, grasp holes, climbing ladders and ropes, slides, compass, binoculars, and interactive elements to touch and turn.

This park space also features climbing nets, slides, swings, and a giant hamster wheel!

The area, not enclosed, also features accessible toilets, including baby change table, shade sails, picnic tables, electric BBQs and water fountains.

Images and information thanks to Must-Do Brisbane and Brisbane Kids

Bradbury Park, Kedron

Check out the new and improved Bradbury Park, which received a $10m upgrade in 2023! There are comments about this park that it’s really like a ‘mini theme park’ and we can definitely see why!

It encourages adventure play with challenging towers and bridges to navigate and incorporates inspired nature play. It’s also great for keen climbers, as every surface at Bradbury Park has footholds and handgrips encouraging climbing. This playground is tailored more for children ages five and older, however, the little ones still might enjoy it with the help of a grown-up or an older sibling! Toddlers aren’t forgotten though, underneath there is a section just for little ones to explore, with a mini cliff climber and wide slide at the top of a soft fall mount.

Parents, just be warned due to its design, it might be hard to spot your child in the structure, and there is a certain amount of risk involved when playing at Bradbury Park.

The area includes picnic spots, BBQs, toilets, an impressive scooter track. You’ll also find a basketball court and a fenced dog park.
The park is now equipped with all the other amenities that will keep families comfortable and entertained for hours on end. 🎉

Images and information thanks to Brisbane Kids

Buxton Park, Yarrabilba

Buxton Park truly offers something for everyone! For children, there’s an 8.7-metre high tower featuring two enclosed slides set either side of an elaborate climbing web. The most unique feature is the large synthetic grass caterpillar which snakes its way around the playground precinct. Children will adore scaling the rises before rolling, running or jumping into the dips. There’s also in-ground trampolines, swings for all ages and abilities, horse bouncers and spinning poles round out the play equipment aimed at children. Grownups haven’t been left out of the design either! There’s an innovative outdoor gym featuring magnetic bells for strength training, a core twist, a bicycle, and more. The equipment even has an integrated training app to help you get the most out of a workout.

There are BBQs and a picnic area, but no public toilets.

Information and imagery thanks to Brisbane Kids and Must-Do Brisbane

New Farm Park Playground

Have you visited New Farm Park Playground? This enchanted forest playground in Brisbane, nestled in amongst Moreton Bay Fig trees, consists of an impressive fort-like tree-house with an expansive bridge walk that winds and promotes all kinds of imaginative play. It boasts:

  • climbing walls
  • meandering pathways
  • wobbly walkways
  • chain link bridges
  • swaying poles to
  • clamber across
  • slippery slides.

There’s also a separate playground for the littlest ones, as well as accessible play equipment. This outdoor gem is just a few minutes’ walk from the New Farm Park ferry terminal and the Powerhouse Museum. Onsite are accessible toilets, BBQs, walking and bike paths, water fountains, an onsite cafe for coffee and plenty of cafes nearby and free parking.

Images and information thanks to Brisbane Kids, Boobobutt.com.au (defunct)

There you have it! We hope you enjoyed our list of the best playgrounds on the Gold Coast and in Redlands and Brisbane City. If you’re after the best childcare in the Gold Coast and Brisbane areas, look no further than Little Scholars, we’re sure to have a centre near you. Contact us or book a tour today to ensure your little one gets the best start to life that they can.

Do you have a playground you think should be here? Let us know on our socials @littlescholarsearlylearning!
*Images and information courtesy of Gold Coast, Redlands and Brisbane city councils, mrslardeedah.com, brisbanekids.com.au, romethegnome.com, and kidsonthecoast.com, Brisbane Kids, Must-Do Brisbane and more, each individually tagged above.

Come and see the Little Scholars difference

Let us hold your hand and help looking for a child care centre. Leave your details with us and we’ll be in contact to arrange a time for a ‘Campus Tour’ and we will answer any questions you might have!

Come and see the Little Scholars difference

Let us hold your hand and help looking for a child care centre. Leave your details with us and we’ll be in contact to arrange a time for a ‘Campus Tour’ and we will answer any questions you might have!