We do things differently at Little Scholars. Our early learning philosophy is unique and we’re proud of it.

Our focus incorporates the whole family as opposed to just the child attending our campus. We understand that your child is your entire world and that, by reflection, you are the world for your child. It’s important to us, therefore, to ensure that each and every member of your family is catered for regardless of whether they attend the campus or not.

Interested? Here’s how that works.

Our Learning Philosophy

We provide quality early learning and care at affordable rates so that families can access skilled, highly trained educators and educational programs. Our philosophy is to create and promote supportive environments in which each and every child can grow.

This means that our learning activities, extra-curricular programs, appreciation of the environment and innovative kindergarten program are tailored and catered so that each and every child can experience success and achievement.

That’s the learning covered. But what sets us apart in terms of our philosophy?

Bringing It Home

Our difference lies in our dedication to improving the lives of the families who attend our numerous centres.

  • We provide before and after school care so that parents don’t have to sacrifice income or career progression by stepping out early each afternoon.
  • We offer a delicious, nutritious take-home dinner service for parents whose working weeks do not afford the time for shopping and cooking.
  • We provide extra-curricular activities like language and sport so that parents have their weekends free to spend time together and relax.
  • We even provide haircuts for your children.
Why Is Our Childcare Philosophy Different?

Why is our childcare philosophy different?

Purely and simply, we believe in your family. We believe that quality family time is of the utmost importance and is your child’s stepping stone to a happy and successful future education. If providing these extra services means that you can slow down and enjoy your children’s childhood then it’s worth every penny and every ounce of effort we have to put in.

Why do we do it?

Because you’re part of our family now, too.

Contact Little Scholars today and discover how our childcare philosophy can help your family.